part -19

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Jungkook came to the car and open the hood (bonnet) and try to fix the engine....

After some time:

Y/n came towards jungkook and said

Y/n: sir, Do you understand what happened to the car?...Sir, do something, give some water to the car. It seems like your car is overheated just like you....

Jungkook doesn't said anything...

Y/n: Is the wire cut? *Jungkook glare at her* I...i mean, I'm talking about the car, there are so many wires if one or two are cut that's why I say....

Jungkook didn't say anything

Y/n: Sir I understand the problem, sir you didn't fill the car tank before leaving home right?

Jungkook: Are you done? Step aside

Y/n: You didn't understand the problem, so I said the possibilities

Jungkook: are you a mechanic

Y/n: why I will be a mechanic...I'm not a mechanic... I'm a employee of Jeon EN.... Sir did you forgot?.....I understand that you have lost your memory after coming to this dense forest *she said in dramatic way*

Jungkook: how can you talk so nonsense? *He couldn't believe*

Y/n: Then, why are you cursing? I'm i look like a mechanic? you are also trying to fix the car, then you are also a mechanic...

Jungkook: Ok fine. You are saying  like.. you are the expert. Then you fix the car

Y/n: How can I sir.. I know nothing about car.... If it was scooty then I.....

Jungkook: Then shut your mouth and let me do my job.

Y/n: yes sir please do something I want to get out of this forest*said in worried way* sir....

Jungkook: ok I find the problem...You have to push

Y/n: Ummm you?

Jungkook: not me...the Car.... *y/n: hehe just kidding *

Y/n: just by pushing, the car will run right? No...I'm just asking...That's why I said your car has broken down *blabbering*

Jungkook: Why are you commenting when you don't know anything about cars.... Do as I say....Push

Y/n: But sir how can I.... I have no strength..

Jungkook: Then who gonna push... Ok Can you drive?

Y/n: No sir

Jungkook: I'm teaching you to drive in first gear

Y/n: Si...sirr sir ....I can't
Sir I can't sir

Jungkook: Do you want to get away of this forest *yes sir* then do without any question.....Look *he show her how to drive* so... you understand?

Y/n: No sir *said in worried way* sir I can't...

Jungkook: You will, try. . Come sit... Sit! *she sit*

He came out and went car's back and push

Jungkook: Y/n! Why it's not going?

Y/n: Sir... It's not working *she said without doing anything*

Jungkook: Try it will.... first gear... first gear

Y/n: Sir I can't!

He sigh and went towards driver sit and said

Jungkook: You can't even do a little thing. what can you do hmm? *She get off the car and said to him*

Y/n: is there any rulebook written, that you should have able to do everything? In fact This car is yours so headache is also your

Jungkook:And we got stuck here for whom?

Y/n: know sir I didn't done it on purpose...oh god! Why did I go out with you ...I forgot that wherever you are the problem will be there *he glare at her* network... Let me check network . we have to call someone for help... *She changed the topic in her way *


Time skip:

Jungkook: Hey let's walk.... I don't think  there willbe anyone who can help us. Tonight we have to spent somewhere. Something will be arranged tomorrow morning. Let's go somewhere and see if any hotel is available here...

Y/n: I can't walk *pout*

Jungkook: So?? Shall I take you in my arms now?.... If you can't walk, stay here. I'm going. *he started walking*

Y/n: Hey wait for me!....*She also ran after him*


While walking;

Y/n: Well, sir... you know, I will never forget today. Life is amazing right, it makes you experience everything. If I were alone in this place then I would have died. I am with you so I am not afraid......In fact I'm happy

Jungkook: It's fun right?we have come for a picnic? you should be put in a museum....people should buy tickets to see you *unbelievable*

Y/n: oh yeah..then Where you should put on?..... Why are you like this hmm?? What is your problem? Oh sorry sorry you never share your problems to anyone... If you want you can say... maybe I can help..... *Jungkook  shook his head in disbelief*

While walking on the road, only y/n was talking, jungkook was not talking much, just replying sometimes

While walking on the road, only y/n was talking, jungkook was not talking much, just replying sometimes

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After walking for about 10-15 minutes, they finally found a hotel

================================~TO BE CONTINUED

MY BOSS~ ||Jeon Jungkook FF||Where stories live. Discover now