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Y/n pov:
Uff! I'm late, Sir will really fire me today.

She was coming while fixing her dress. And as a result of not looking ahead, she collided with someone. Y/n was going fall but that person caught her in his arms. Y/n look at the person and saw.... The most handsome man in the world....the man said something but But she didn't hear anything, she's in another world now.

??: Miss are you ok?

Y/n: umm yeah yeah I'm fine... I'm fine

The man free her and y/n stand up

Y/n: umm sorry actually I was.....
I was in a hurry so ... you didn't hurt anywhere right?

??: It's ok miss.... I'm fine, Did something happen to you?

Y/n: no

??: Are you an employee here?

Y/n: yes, myself y/n Bae y/n.

??: Oh nice to meet you... I'm Jeon seokjin..

Y/n: oh....

Jisoo: sir, you here?

Seokjin: yeah Jisoo, actually I came here to meet jungkook and something to discuss...

Jisoo: Oh, Sir is in the cabin.

Seokjin: hmm, Going।.... Excuse me...

Y/n: yeah sure...

He went towards jungkook's office...

Y/n: jisoo mam who is he?

Jisoo: he's Mr. Jeon's brother.

Y/n: what? Sir's bother?....

Jisoo: yes he's Mr. Jeon's bother... Jeon seokjin

[sorry guys, I make Kim seokjin as jungkook's brother so use 'Jeon' as a surname of seokjin]

Y/n: But there is a big difference between Sir and Sir's brother..... like
Seokjin sir is so friendly and On the other hand, Mr. Jungkook, cold, bad tempered, rude...
Anyone who sees the two of them will be amazed at the difference between the two

Jisoo: yeah

Y/n: Well, sir's father or mother cold?
I mean, There must be one of the them like sir. or else, sir.....

Jisoo: no no, Sir's parents are both very nice people, just like MR. Seokjin

Y/n: then sir....

Jisoo: I don't know, leave this topic and get back on the work

Y/n: yeah mam.

Julie: I heard the conversation between you and Jisoo madam. Well, Why are you so curious about sir and his brother hmm?

Y/n: umm what do you mean?

Julie: I mean, Why are you so curious to know about Sir and Sir's brother? Why sir is like that? why seokjin sir was like this? What will you do knowing all this? You came here to work, so Do that ....

Y/n: I'm doing my job. Well, tell me, are not you surprised to see so much difference between Sir and Sir's brother?... They are siblings but still...

Julie: I don't think so much about anyone else. Sir is enough for me. *She said and went away*

Y/n: such a crazy fan girl.... *Shook her head in disbelief*

Time skip;

Y/n: sir may I come in...

Jungkook: come

Y/n: Sir, you need to sign these papers.

Jungkook: come here

Y/n went towards jungkook and her feet hit the table and she fell on him

Y/n quickly got up from him and started to apologize

Y/n: so... sorry sorry sir!! You didn't hurt anywhere right?

Jungkook: can't you even walk properly.. ugh! Damn it!!

Y/n: sorry, sir sorry sir and I did not understand...

Jungkook: why are you so careless?

Y/n: sorry sir

Jungkook: what sorry?

Y/n: ugh! I said sorry so many times still you are scolding me, sir why are you like this? Look, soakjin sir was so good and so friendly and and look at you always ready to argue with me...

Jungkook: what did you said.... Me? I'm always ready to argue with you? Me?

Y/n: yes you.... You always start first. See, You started arguing with me again

Jungkook: I... Leave it, Talking to you is useless...

Y/n: what? Useless... Me? Am I useless to you?

Jungkook: yes, see, you are wasting my time...

Y/n: uff! I've been in a good mood since morning, but you made my mood worse.

Jungkook: I made you feel bad, Your mood is always bad, you're always ready to fight with me...

Y/n: leave it, Didn't like to talking to you.

Jungkook: Then why are you saying?

Y/n: What should I do, I have to talk to you, cause you are my one an only boss.

Y/n was about to leave then stop and said

Y/n: BTW, When you get angry you look so hot....*smile widely and leave*

Jungkook was so shocked to hear it from y/n's mouth....

Jungkook was so shocked to hear it from y/n's mouth

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~To be continued

MY BOSS~ ||Jeon Jungkook FF||Where stories live. Discover now