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At y/n's house::

Vicky: Hey, what are you doing?

Y/n: I'm doing some office work that was left...

Author pov: y/n and Vicky are best friends from childhood. Vicky came here for some work for few days. And y/n suggest him to stay in her house and Vicky agreed

Vicky: You work in the office and you....

Y/n: What else can I do, I am sir's favorite employee,If someone can't do something, I have to do it too

Vicky: You don't have to work anymore, otherwise do the rest at jungkook's house..... jungkook..

Y/n: Where???

Vicky: Jungkook's house...

Y/n: Sir's house?? What do you mean??

Vicky: Yes your sir invited us both to his house today

Y/n: Seriously? Me too?

Vicky: Yes, he invite me and being his favorite employe you are also invite miss y/n...

Y/n: don't say I'm his favourite
...maybe he plan something for me or who knows

Vicky: *laugh* why you always think bad about him....whatever Get ready soon, we're leaving


At jungkook 's house

They (y/n and Vicky) knock the door
And someone  opened the door

??: Hey whatsup!! come come

Y/n: Hello jin hyung... How are you?

Jin: I'm doing well, you look so pretty y/n.

Y/n: Thank you... Meet Vicky he's......

Jin: I know... Jungkook told me about him

Vicky: Hiii *they both shake their hands and hug each other*

Jin: Why you are standing.. Come sit..... Mom come fast look who's here...

*Hearing jin's voice, jungkook and his mother both came out of the room*

Mrs. Jeon: hey y/n how are you*she hugged her* you look so pretty

Y/n: thank you aunty *smile*

Y/n's look:

Y/n's look:

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