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After some time:

Some one nock and entered

??: Hey bro!

Y/n: areee vicky

Vicky: y/n, you are also here

Jungkook: Vicky wassup!

Vicky: nothing special

Jungkook: wait some time I'll talk to you after office.

Vicky: No no I will go out with y/n after talking to you

Jungkook: where to go?

Vicky: We will go to the movie

Y/n: Well, vicky When was it fixed?

Vicky: Surprise y/n surprise Our tickets are already booked...... Jungkook, you also come with us

Jungkook: No, I have some work to do

Y/n: vicky, who are you asking to watch the movie? Besides, have any movie come out about grumpy ? I mean you know? *She said mockingly*

Vicky: *he started to laugh* grumpy

Jungkook: haha very funny

Vicky: by the way y/n, How much do you have left?

Y/n: ahh almost done

Vicky: Well, then let's go to your desk

Y/n: yeah

She was about to go but stop and went towards jungkook

Y/n: sir then I.......

She was about to talk to him with this file but he didn't listen to her and even didn't look at her and went towards his chair and sit.

Vicky: Y/n lets go

Y/n: ahhhh hmm

She look towards him last time who was turning his face other side and went away


After some time;

Jungkook: vicky!

Vicky: yes bro

Jungkook: I'll go too

Vicky: wow that's great, well let me book a ticket for you

Y/n look at him and he roll his eyes

Vicky: bro, Tickets are sold out... what to do then Let's cancel the movie and go to dinner

Jungkook: no, You two go i will go later

Vicky: are you sure?

Jungkook: yes, you two go

Vicky: ok then...... Ahhh I have to go bathroom... Which direction is the bathroom?

Jungkook: that way

Vicky: coming right away

He left

Y/n: When you also wanted to watch the movie, you could have told in advance, you would have got the ticket immediately.

Jungkook: hey listen, I give you permission, so you can go or else.....

Y/n: what do you mean by I am giving permission, I am going after office
Besides, you cannot decide where I go in my personal life outside the office.

Jungkook: don't talk to much ok... Vicky is also my best friend, if I tell him he can cancel the plan immediately.

Y/n: Well, Vicky is also my friend and he will listen to me

Jungkook: Ok let's see *he said with a full of confidence*

Vicky: Y/n let's go

Y/n: yeah

Jungkook: Vicky?

Vicky: yes bro

Jungkook: Did you forget me after you got y/n?

Vicky: no no bro, what are you saying?

Jungkook: Then let's go both of us.

Y/n: vicky? Let's go we are getting late
….. Moreover, when the movie starts, I don't like watching it at all

Jungkook: why so hurry? The trailer will be shown first

Y/n: I will also watch the trailer of the new movie.

Jungkook: All kinds of movie trailers are available on social networking sites you can watch there... Let's go, both of us.

Vicky: yes, but y/n...

Jungkook: See, she can get time whenever she wants but I don't always get time..... Let's go, both of us.

Y/n: no no, My favorite movie ticket is booked I will go

Jungkook: When it's your favorite movie, then you go alone

Y/n: Why? Why? I will go alone, Vicky and I have tickets already booked, if you want to go you go alone

Jungkook: listen miss y/n, Vicky is my friend we can plan whenever we want

Y/n: Vicky is also my friend moreover I bought a ticket with him so we will go together

Vicky: Well, well, when both of you want to watch movies so much then both of you go together.....

Y/n and jungkook: noooo!!! *They both said together*

Y/n: I'm not going anywhere with this stupid , I'm going to get bored if I do... *mumbling*

Jungkook: what did you said?

Vicky: well well guys... guys stop now

Y/n: he start it first

Jungkook: me?

Y/n: yes you


Meanwhile, vicky got a message on his phone and checked it

Vicky: guys, guys I can't go with either of you, there's an urgent matter

Y/n: what are you saying? Come on, we......

Vicky: I wanted to but can't go, sorry guys You two go. I have an urgent work i am going... bye bro, bye y/n enjoy together

He left

Y/n: You see, your friend didn't listen to lost

Jungkook: not me it's you

Y/n: Vicky canceled the plan because he didn't want to go with you

Jungkook: nope, You made such a fuss that's why he left

Y/n: *Phone ring* Your phone was ringing

Jungkook: Not mine, that's your phone, in the bag idiot

Y/n: upps! *Faceplam*

She pick the call

Y/n: yes vicky

Vicky: Y/n don't waste the ticket you two go

Y/n; ................ Yes but.... *Call end*

~To be continued

MY BOSS~ ||Jeon Jungkook FF||Where stories live. Discover now