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Y/n: uff thank God, I arrived early today. Otherwise, Sir used to say, "Miss Bae y/n why are you so late? You know that I like everything on time and I warning you Even so, you are not in ready to be fired!"

Y/n was imitating just like jungkook used to say and that time jungkook entered.....

Jungkook: What were you doing?

Y/n: who.... *Her eyes widened after saw jungkook*

Jungkook: were you copying me?

Y/n: umm why should I copy you?..... Sir, look I'm on time!!
*He glare at her* I did not.. I didn't copy...

Jungkook: get back on the work

Y/n: yes sir!!!

Jungkook: don't shout

Y/n: yes...yes... sir *Bowed her head and said *

With that he left

Y/n pov:
What happened? Why didn't sir get angry today?....... What happened to him?... Mood off?..... What's in it for me? His mood is always off, y/n, sit down to work Otherwise he will get angry again...

Time skip;

Y/n was working and jungkook came to check employees...
Jungkook stare at y/n for long time...
Y/n feel someone's stare  so she look up and her eyes meet with jungkook.
Y/n look down and started to work  but look up again and still jungkook staring at her...

Y/n pov:
What happened?Why is he looking like that? Did I done something wrong?No, I didn't done anything. So?Is he looking at me like that because I was copying him that time?..... why didn't he say anything then?

Jungkook rolled his eyes...

Did... Did he just roll his eyes on me?

Whatever, I will not see him either

Jungkook came towards her desk and tap

Y/n stand up and asked

Y/n: yes sir,

Jungkook: come to my office right now... *With that he left*

Y/n pov:

Y/n: sir what happened?

Jungkook didn't answer first so y/n started to talk....

Y/n: sir, sorry for that time.... actually..

Jungkook: what time?

Y/n: This morning. I'm sorry for copy you, sir *she said with head down*

jungkook: That means you are Admit it that you are imitating me that time

y/n: Um, I mean ...

Jungkook: I see, leave it, Get ready to go to the meeting

Y/n: meeting? Why should I go to the meeting? Jisoo ma.........

Jungkook: Jisoo mam will not come to the office today, she has work to do.

Y/n: but why me?

Jungkook: because I think you are capable for this

Y/n: but why me? There are....

Jungkook: no more talk, you will come with me and thats final...

Y/n: but... *Jungkook glare at her* ok ok I'm ready... ready let's go *smile*

================================~To be continued

MY BOSS~ ||Jeon Jungkook FF||Where stories live. Discover now