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At cafeteria;

Y/n was swallowing the food quickly
Cause, Today she will return home early after finishing work, Her father's friend's son is getting married, and they are invited.... And y/n will go to the parlor thats why She's in a hurry

??: Hey hey, why are you in such a hurry? Breaktime is still left.

Y/n: good morning seokjin sir *she
Stood up and bowed towards him*

Seokjin: Sit down sit down,

He sit infront of y/n's seat

Y/n: Sir you need something? can I order something for you?

Seokjin: no no you continue... I ate

Y/n: oh *she again started to dig the food in her mouth*

Seokjin: Why are you eating in such a hurry? It will get stuck in the throat
*Y/n started to cough* I told you....

She opened the bottle and gave it to him. And she drink a half bottle of water in one breath

Y/n: ahh thank you sir

Seokjin: *he smile at her cute behaviour* you are really clumsy as jungkook said

Y/n: sir, What did he said about me? Surely he has spoken badly about me right?. I know it..... that ba..... Umm sorry sorry sorry sir *she started to bow again*

Seokjin: it's ok, you don't need to bowed everytime. Jungkook said, You are the best employee here, and you have done a great job in a few days
He praises you at home, but he said you are so clumsy.... Which is true though..... what happened Why aren't you talking?

Y/n was so shocked to hear this from seokjin's mouth.

Y/n: sir, praise me alote at home? Like seriously? Mr. Jeon? But he never praised me... All the time just arguing with me *pout*

Seokjin: I don't know but, He says at home.... But surprisingly, he has never spoken of an employee before but why now?

Y/n: well, did he started to likes me?...

Seokjin: I also think so. What about you? Do you also like him ?

Y/n: what? Am I mad? All Time he just quarreled with me.... Who will tolerate him?...... Umm I'm sorry sir, I am Insulting your brother in front of you.

Seokjin: I know, he is a dumbass

Y/n laugh at his word...and seokjin also started to laugh with her

And that time jungkook entered in the cafeteria

Jungkook: What's happening here?

Seokjin: just a little chitchat with miss y/n. *Y/n smile at seokjin*

Jungkook notice it and said

Jungkook: miss y/n, You have so much work to do and you're sitting here and talking. You said you will go home early today. After finishing work, you will go home Not before that

Y/n: ugh! All the time just work work work!! You see, sir, I will sit at breaktime and talk a little, he will not evan tolerate that also.... I'm not like you, who just be in their own mood. I have to talk to people, or otherwise who knows, I'll became like you....
Cold, rude and bad tempered
*With that she left*

Jungkook: see, see, hyung she's always talks to me like that. Didn't even give me respect.

Seokjin: *smile* she's so cute

Jungkook: cute my foot

Seokjin: you know what, you and she will be perfect match

Jungkook: what!!!!!

Seokjin: are you sure?

Jungkook: damn sure!

Seokjin: she's so cute and humble.... If mom sees her, she will also like her.

Jungkook: I don't know, I don't like her and that's it....

He left

On the other hand;

Julie heared every think. She was also present in the cafeteria

Julie pov:

So seokjin was planning to jungkook and y/n get together....... That will never gonna happen. No one can have jungkook except me. Jungkook is one an only mine...I have to do something.
But First, y/n has to get out of this office......... Y/n, tomorrow will be your last day in this office.

~To be continued

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