Isabella X Toymaker Male!Reader

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[You were in your basement working on something]

Y/N: Almost done

[You finish adding the final adjustments on your project]

Y/N: And Done

[You Project reveals to be a remote control walking duck]

Y/N: People are gonna love this I'm sure  of  it

[Tomorrow you were out and about in the Encanto]

Y/N: Hello, Any one interested in trying out Donnie Duckbill 

[A kid walks up]

Kid: what can he do

Y/N: Why, all sort's of things, he walks when you use the remote control and when you press the button on the remote and he says fun action phrases

[You push the button on the remote]

Donnie Duckbill: You quack me up

Kid: Wow, How much for it

Y/N: Well, I mean 20 buck for now will do

[The Kid hands you 20 bucks]

Kid: Thanks mister

Y/N: No problem

[You then sell lots of toys to the children of the Encanto]

[Cut to night time]

Y/N: Thanks for stopping by, Okay I think it's time to go home

[You then catch the eye of a pretty girl]

Girl: Hi

Y/N: Uh Hi, can I help you

Girl: I just need someone's opinion, are the green peppers or the red ones good for cooking

Y/N: The green ones, I guess

Girl: Thanks, Hey your that toymaker right?

Y/N: Guess word gets around quickly

Isabella: I'm Isabella Madrigal and I sort of need a favor

Y/N: Okay, what is it

Isabella: See, My Little Cousin Antonio, His birthday's coming up and I need a gift for him

Y/N: Oh sure I can do that

Isabella: Cool, and if you do great, I might go out with you 

Y/N: [Blushing] Really

Isabella: [Seductively] Mm-Hmm, Maybe say, A Dinner date

Y/N: Oh uh, Cool

Isabella: See you then stud

[Isabella winks at you and walks away while swaying her hips]

Y/N: Okay

[You go home and into your basement]

Y/N: Alright, Birthday gift, I can do this

[You get out your tools and start working on a toy]

[Your first result was a toy robot]

Y/N: Nah seen enough of them already

[You go back to working on you project you second result is a toy RC car]

Y/N: I wonder

[You push the button on the remote, it reveals the toy car had missiles]

Y/N: Well, That's the last time I borrow stuff from the military

[You go back to working on your project again, Your third result is a Toy dragon]

Y/N: Okay this is pretty cool

[You push the button on the dragons back and it spits real fire]

Y/N: Note to self do not put nuclear core in toys anymore, or like ever 

[You slam your fist on your desk]

Y/N: Give Antonio a birthday gift, win the heart of Isabella, It shouldn't be that hard, Come on there's gotta be something I can make

[You think for a minute]

Y/N: How about, Oh yes that's it

[You grab a piece of paper and doodle a bit]

Y/N: And right here, now then time to build

[You start to make the toy for Antonio]

Y/N: And just a little dab of paint right here

[You fully paint the toy]

Y/N: And now to just tighten, one little screw and...

[You tighten the screw on the toy and when your finished you take your goggles off]

Y/N: Done


[You walk up to Casita with a box]

Y/N: Hola, Casita

[Casita greets you by opening and closing it's windows, you go up and knock on the door]

Alma: Hello Y/N, What brings you by

Y/N: Hi Mrs. Madrigal, this is for Antonio for his birthday

Alma: Thank you young man, I'll be sure to give it to him

Y/N: Cool

[You walk off and into town and sit on a bench]

[5 Minutes later, Isabella walks up to you]

Isabella: Hi Y/N, Antonio told me what you did for him, and I must say you are very kind and noble

Y/N: [Chuckles] Yep you know me, Mr. Helpful, 

Isabella: So, What you did for Antonio and all, I think you deserve a little reward

[Isabella grabs you by the shirt collar and kisses you on the lip, full force with a lot of tongue]

Y/N: So about that date

[You stand up and hold your hand out]

Y/N: Shall we

Isabella: Oh defiantly Mi Amor

[Isabella takes your hand and you two go on your date]

Encanto X Male Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now