Luisa x Werewolf Male!Reader

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[We open up to you running from something at night]

Y/N: [Panting]

[You run past some bushes and jump over rivers and stop to catch your breath]

Y/N: Almost home, I just need to-

[A Knife was thrown at you but misses and hits a tree]

Y/N: Ahh

[Turns out you were getting chased by a group of hunters]

Hunter 1: Well, Well, Well, Wolf boy Y/N

Y/N: Hey come on fellas we can talk about this right?

[The Hunter pull out bows and arrows]

Hunter 1: Nope

[You star to back away slowly]

Y/N: Guy, Seriously, I'm warning you stay away

Hunter 1: Aww look, he's scared, heh, this is too easy

[A Full moon comes out from some clouds in the sky]

Y/N: [Grunt] Oh... No

Hunter 1: Stand back

Y/N: [Panting] I said

[You start to transform, Your body gets bigger, You grow sharp teeth and hairier and your voice becomes deeper]

Y/N: Stay, Away

[You stare menacingly at the hunters, and in a blind fit of uncontrollable rage, You scratch and claw the hunters one by one, the sounds of their screams fill the night air]

Y/N: Now Leave!!

[You let out a mighty roar, witch frightens the hunters, They run and flee in terror, You stand triumphantly and give a mighty howl at the moon and run on all fours back home, You reach a cave and de-transform]

Y/N: [Panting] Oh No, I did it again, Ugh why can't I just get rid of this stupid curse, Hmm

[You pull out some kind off book under a rock in your cave, Inside off the book contains a cure for your curse]

 Y/N: [Sigh] I just hope thing will be better tomorrow

[You close your book then lie on the cold hard surface of your cave and try to get some sleep]


Y/N: Now then, I need to find a cure and fast

[You slip on a ripped up hoodie that you found, You run out of your cave and in to the Encanto]

[As You walk through the Encanto you spot a Chili Con Carne kart, You wolf urges kick in, You sneak your way over to the kart and eat directly out of the pot, You then get control of yourself and leave]

Y/N: This is the worst, whose gonna like me like this?

[You then hear a man shout]

Man: Luisa, The donkey's got out again

Y/N: Hmm?

[You see the escaped donkey's, Your eyes turn yellow

Y/N: [Growl] Fresh prey

[You then run at top speed towards the donkey and bite it's ear]

Luisa: Uh, Can I help you dude?

[You look over and see Luisa and blush]

Y/N: Uh, Sorry, I'm uh just super hungry and uh I need something made up of these ingredients, Ginger, Jasmine, Bitterroot and The strain of hair from a human being

Encanto X Male Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now