Luisa X Chubby Male!Reader (Lemon)

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[8 Years ago, you were in school and you were made fun of because of your weight]

Y/N: Hey stop it

Kid: or what you gonna sit on me?

[You tried telling the principal, but he was no help]

Principal: I'm sure they were just joking, you can't let everything get to you

[You tried telling your parents, and turns out that went well, you parents marched up to the school and gave the principal an earful, you were happy but you still felt a little downcasted at the same time, present day, you are now eighteen and still a bit chubby, you go downstairs and get orange juice]

M/N: Morning Mijo

Y/N: Morning Mama, can I go see Mirabel?

M/N: Of Course

[Mirabel was your childhood friend and after the whole candle incident at Casita, You wanted to make sure she was okay]

Y/N: Thanks Mama, See ya later

[You head out the door and rush off to La Casita, by the time you reach the house you see that it was completely rebuilt]

Y/N: Wow, it looks like it's never been destroyed

???: Yeah but the only difference is-

[You turn to see Mirabel]

Mirabel: We use a lot of speckle

Y/N: Mirabel

[You go up and hug her]

Y/N: It's so great to see that your okay

[You stop hugging her] 

Y/N: So is everyone else okay

Mirabel: Yep

Y/N: What about, Y'know, Luisa

Mirabel: Yes Y/N, Even Luisa

Y/N: That's a relief 

[Mirabel knew you had a crush on Luisa ever since childhood, sometime she would playfully tease you about it when you were kids, now she wanted to try and pair you two up]

Mirabel: Y'Know, Luisa is inside if you wanna talk to her

Y/N: Great, thanks Mirabel

[You go inside to see Luisa]

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