Mermaid Mirabel X Pirate Male!Reader

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[You were a sea captain, And with you were with your pirate crew, You did everything a pirate did, Hunt for treasure]

[One of your crew member were digging until they found a big chest with gold and jewels inside]

Sloppy Tim: Captain I found the treasure

Y/N: Hahaha, Good work Tim, Me Lad

[Plundering and Pillaging]

[We see you and your crew boarding another ship and taking the other captains treasure]

Other Captain: Arrrgghh, Rotten Scurvy Sea Dogs

Y/N: As those scurvy Landlubber would say, Why don't Ye put a sock in it

[You laugh victoriously and board back on your own ship]

Y/N: Let us make haste lads

Sloppy Tim: But what do we do Captain

Y/N: We plunder, Pillage and find more treasure

[You and your crew raise your swords high in the air and laugh victoriously]

[One day while you were out on the open sea, You hear an angelic voice vocalizing]

Y/N: Hmm, What be that majestic sound 

[You see that the rest of your crew were in the cabin on your ship taking a nap, You sail over to where the noise was coming from, When you get there,  You see sitting on a rock, a beautiful Majestic, Mermaid, The mermaid seemed to have glasses though, but you didn't mind, you though she looked beautiful either way, You see the mermaid brush her curly hair]

Mermaid: Now that I'm done brushing my hair, Where was I, Ah Yes

[The mermaid clears her throat and starts vocalizing again, You couldn't help but to find her voice to be enticing, You pluck up enough courage and talk to her]

Y/N: Ahoy There!!

[The Mermaid stops vocalizing and looks at You]

Mermaid: Hmm?

Y/N: Ahoy there Lass, I be known as Captain Y/N L/N, Feared Pirate across the seven seas, And now who might you be?

Mirabel: Oh, My name is Mirabel, Nice to meet you, Well it's nice to meet you Captain Y/N, But I got to go

Y/N: Wait before you do, Maybe we could see each other again some time soon

Mirabel: I'd love that

[Mirabel blows a kiss and winks at you and dive deep into the ocean and swims off, You feel your heart beat and your face heat up]

Y/N: Well Shiver me Timbers, She is a beauty

[Hours later, You had a telescope in one hand, You were trying to find Mirabel in order to talk to her again, And the out of the corner of your eye, You see a silhouette of a fish tail]

Y/N: Ah, Yes that be her

Sloppy Tim: Oi, Captain

[You look over to see Sloppy Tim and the rest of your crew]

Peg-Leg Greg: What ye be doing with our spyglass

Y/N: Uh, Well ya see mateys, Uh, There be treasure a foot

Peg-Leg Greg: But there be no red X on the map

Y/N: Okay, There be this pretty lass, and I kind of, as those landlubbers say, have a thing for her

[Your Pirate crew eyes widen]

Pirate Crew: Awwwwwww!!

[You point your sword at then]

Y/N: Cut that out, Or it be Davey Jones Locker with all of ye

[Your crew gets nervous]

Pirate Crew: Aye, Aye Captain

[Your Pirate crew sets course for the big rock you Seen Mirabel sit on, You take off your hat and fix your hair]

Y/N: Fixing me Hair ain't a bit much, is it?

Sloppy Tim: I'm sure it'll be fine and shipshape captain

Y/N: Thanks Tim, Me Lad

[You hop on a rowboat in your ship and row over to The big rock Mirabel sits on, You see Mirabel vocalizing and brushing her hair, You row over to her]

Y/N: [Clears throat] A-Ahoy Mirabel

Mirabel: Oh, Hello there again, Captain Y/N

Y/N: Listen, Since we met, I thought you were the most beautiful lass my eyes ever laid upon

[Mirabel stars blushing and stops brushing her hair, she then raises an eyebrow]

Mirabel: Really?

Y/N: Indeed and I was thinking we could, as those Landlubbers say, Be a thing?

Mirabel: Y/N, I know under all that through pirate shell, Your a really sweet person and I would like to be in a relationship with you, That is if your pirate crew doesn't mind

[Mirabel points at your ship, You turn back to see Your pirate crew give a thumbs up, You glare at them, causing them to stand around whistling nonchalantly]

Mirabel: Well, I think I have my answer 

[Mirabel leans in forward and locks lips with you passionately, You stroke one hand through her hair and  rest your other hand on her back, You and Mirabel then break the kiss]

Mirabel: See around, Captain Y/N

[Mirabel winks at you and dive back into the water]

Y/N: You too Lass, You too

[You row back to your ship, As you get on your ship, You crew crowds around you]

Sloppy Tim: Captain, How'd it go

Y/N: Very well Tim

[You then raise your sword in the Air]

Y/N: Now, Let us make haste, for we have treasure to find

[The rest of your crew raise their swords in the air]

Encanto X Male Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now