Mirabel X Werewolf Male!Reader

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[We open up at night with your running through an alleyway]

Y/N: Gotta get back, Home

[You keep running through the Encanto to get back to your house]

Y/N: [Panting]

[You run past some bushes and stop by a fallen tree to catch your breath]

Y/N: Almost home, I just need to-

[A Knife was thrown at you but misses and hits a tree]

Y/N: Ahh

[Turns out, a group of hunters followed Your trail]

Hunter 1: Well, Well, Well, Y/N L/N, The Werewolf of The Encanto

Y/N: Hey listen guys we can talk about this right?

[The Hunter pull out bows and arrows]

Hunter 1: No 

[You start to back away slowly]

Y/N: Guy, Seriously, I'm warning you stay away

Hunter 1: Aww look, he's scared, heh, too easy

[A Full moon comes out from some clouds in the sky]

Y/N: [Grunt] Oh... No

Hunter 1: Stand back, He's going to transform

Y/N: [Panting] I said

[You start to transform, Your body gets bigger, You grow sharp teeth and hairier and your voice becomes deeper]

Y/N: Get, Back

[You stare menacingly at the hunters, and in a blind fit of uncontrollable rage, You scratch and claw the hunters one by one, the sounds of their screams fill the night air]

Y/N: Now Leave!!

[You let out a mighty roar, witch frightens the hunters, They run and flee in terror, You stand triumphantly and give a mighty howl at the moon and run on all fours back home, You reach Your room through your window and de-transform]

Y/N: [Panting] Oh No, I did it again, Ugh why can't I just get rid of this stupid curse, Hmm

[You pull out some kind off book under your bed, Inside off the book contains a cure for your curse]

Y/N: [Sigh] I just hope thing will be better tomorrow

[You close your book then lie on your soft bed and try to get some sleep]


Y/N: Okay, A cure

[You head downstairs and were greeted by your parents with concern]

M/N: Y/N?

Y/N: Oh, Uh, Hi Mom, Hi Dad

D/N: Y/N, About your curse

Y/N: Yeah, I know, and I know exactly how to fix it, I'll be cured as soon as you know it

[You go out in the Encanto]

Y/N: Hmm, Now then I need to control, My

[You see some sheep, Your eyes turn yellow]

Y/N: Fresh Prey

[Due to your Wolf urges, You lunge at a sheep and bit it on the ear]

Girl: Uh, What are you doing?

[You caught the attention of a girl, You stop biting the sheep and blush]

Y/N: Oh, Uh, Just hungry and uh

Girl: Oh, If your hungry I could get my Mama to cook you something

Y/N: No, no, no it's fine

[You pull up your hood and start speed walking away]

Girl: Wait

[You turn back to the girl]

Mirabel: I don't think we've properly introduced each other, Mirabel Madrigal

[Mirabel holds out her hand]

Y/N: U-Uh, Y/N L/N

[You shake Mirabel's hand, Just then your fingernails turn into claws]

Mirabel: Ow, What was that?

[You swiftly hide your hand behind your back]

Y/N: Oh, I just need to clip my nails, anyway I need to go

Mirabel: Okay, See you-

[You dash off]

Mirabel: Around

[Later in a dark ally, You were eating out of a trash can due to your primal instinct, You notice that the moon is about to come out at any moment]

Y/N: Home, Need to go..Back..Home

[You turn your attention to a forest ]

Mirabel: Y/N?

[You see Mirabel and run off into the forest away from her]

Mirabel: Y/N, Wait!!

[Cut to you running though the forest]

Y/N: [Panting]

Mirabel: Y/N, wait up a minute

Y/N: No, Just get away, for your own safety, You'd-

[You hold your stomach]

Y/N: Oh, No

Mirabel: Y/N, What's wrong, I could help you if your hurting

[Your body begins to grow bigger and harrier]

Y/N: Mirabel, Just..Leave

Mirabel: No, Just tell me what's wrong and I'll find out what to do to help you

Y/N: Last warning, Mirabel

[Your teethe begin to become sharper, You, grow a tail, Your eyes become yellow and finally your voice becomes deeper]

Y/N: Stay....Away!!

[You cover your face with your hands]

Mirabel: Y/N?

[Mirabel walks up to you and  rubs her hand across your face]

Y/N: Eh? Go Away

Mirabel: So that's why you were-

Y/N: Running yeah, I just didn't want you to see me like this, A Monster

Mirabel: Listen Y/N, I've know your for like a day now, and I've seen that you're a real swell guy

Y/N: You really mean that?

Mirabel: Mm-Hmm, And, well

[Mirabel blushes]

Mirabel: I really like you

Y/N: Wait, for real?

[Mirabel nods her head]

[Mirabel puts both her hands on your face and pull you in for a kiss, You and Mirabel kiss passionately, When Mirabel broke the kiss, Your claws begin to shrink to a normal length, Your teeth become less sharpened, Your wolf hair begins to dissolve form your body, Your body becomes normal and your eyes go back to the correct shade of white] 

Y/N: Hey, The spell worked, I'm cured

Mirabel: What?

Y/N: Oh, I forgot to mention, There is a cure to my condition, The kiss of a betrothed love, And it must've been, well You Mirabel

[Mirabel starts blushing]

Mirabel: Well, this probably means we were meant to be together?

Y/N: Hmm, I guess it does

[You and Mirabel smile and blush at each other, You and Mirabel share one last kiss

Mirabel: I'm really glad I met you Y/N

[You and Mirabel begin to head home together]

Encanto X Male Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now