Isabella X Bad Boy!Reader

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[You were walking home through the Encanto, with a lollipop in your mouth, You kick over a trash can]

Y/N: [Sigh] And to think my old neighborhood was a fucking nightmare, but this is just shitty

[You continue too keep walking until you get home, You kick open the front door startling Your parents]

M/N: Y/N, Do you have any idea what time

Y/N: Pfft, Whatever

[You head upstairs kicking open your room door, You head inside your room slamming the door behind you]

Y/N: [Sigh]

[You head to a desk in your room, Pull out a pocket knife and start carving on it, After a few hours of desk carving, you head to bed]

[Cut to Tomorrow, You head downstairs and out the door, You don't even say bye to your parents]

[You continue to walk through the Encanto smoking on an e-cig, until you accidentally bump into someone]

Y/N: Watch it!!

Girl: Hey, You bumped into me, So you're the one who needs to watch out in the future

Y/N: Whatever

Girl: Hmph

[The Girl walks off but you get her attention]

Y/N: Hey wait, You're a Madrigal aren't you?

Isabella: Yeah, Isabella Madrigal, why do you ask?

Y/N: Oh, Uh Just curious

Isabella: Okay then

Y/N: Well, Be seeing ya, maybe not, Whatever

[Cut to You in an ally way spray painting swears on the side of a building, You were seen]

Man: Hey, Stop!!

[You make a run for it, Bolting through the ally way, You find yourself out of the ally way, you continue to walk through the Encanto, You see Isabella again, Isabella sees You]

Isabella: Oh hey, Um sorry, I never caught your name earlier

Y/N: Uhh, Y/N

Isabella: Okay Y/N, I was just on my way home and I was wondering if you'd be so kind as to

[Isabella blushes]

Isabella: Escort me

Y/N: I don't do, "Kind"

[Isabella's face fell]

Y/N: Eh but fuck it, beats doing nothing through out the day

Isabella: Yay

[Isabella hugs you]

Y/N: Yeah, Yeah, No need to get all clingily

[You shove Isabella off you]

Isabella: Well, now that's no way to treat a lady

Y/N: Yeah, Whatever

[Isabella grabs your hand in a swift motion, You start to blush but your try to hide it]

Y/N: [Sigh] Let's just get this over with

Isabella: Great

[You two continue to walk to Casita]

Isabella: Hey, Y'know I know a shortcut on how to get home

Y/N: If you knew a shortcut then why did you want me to escort you home

Isabella: Ugh just, Come on

[Isabella grabs your hand and drags You through a forest]

Y/N: Look, Isabella was it, If you knew a shortcut to your house, again why ask me to escort you?

Isabella: To show you this

[Cut to a shot of a sparkling lake and trees rustling in the wind]

Y/N: Uh, It's a lake, You wanted to show me a lake?

Isabella: Yep, Isn't it lovely

Y/N: That's it, I'm going home

Isabella: Wait

[Isabela gestures you to sit down on the grass with her, You do so]

Isabella: Just take it all in

[You groan, After getting bored for a bit, you then start to see what Isabella was talking about]

Y/N: Well I gotta admit, It's is kinda beautiful

Isabella: Yeah, Y'know Y/N

Y/N: Hmm? 

[Isabella strokes her hair]

Isabella: I sort of, Have a thing for bad boys

Y/N: Yeah, That's cool I guess

Isabella: And, I've begun to grown accustomed to You

[Isabella moves her hand on your cheek]

Y/N: Uh, That's coo-

[Isabella grabs you by your shirt collar and pulls you close to her, Isabella forcefully kisses you passionately]

Y/N: Did you just kiss me?

Isabella: Oh, Dios Mio, I'm sorry Y/N, I-

[You wrap your arms around Isabella, move your arms down her back then grope her ass]

Y/N: [Whispers in her ear] Do it again

[Isabella blushes and smiles, Then you and her kiss passionately, with a shit load of tongue involved, While making out You were still groping Isabella's ass, You two then stop]

Y/N: So, Walk you home?

Isabella: Sure

[You and Isabella walk to Casita, hand in hand]

Encanto X Male Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now