Luisa X Comfort Male!Reader

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[You and Luisa have been best friends ever since you were kids, Every time Luisa felt a little uneasy, You would always come to her aid, You held her hand]

Y/N: Luisa, Everything gonna be fine, What ever happens, I'm here

[Luisa inhales and then exhales]

Luisa: Thanks Y/N

Y/N: No Problem Mi Ami-

[Luisa picks you up and hugs you, Without knowing that she's accidentally crushing you]

Y/N: Glad.. To.. Be.. By your.. Side.. You're kind of Crushing me

[Luisa puts you down and then chuckles nervously]

Luisa: Sorry

[One day You came over to Casita to see Luisa, You knock on the door and was greeted by Mirabel]

Y/N: Hi Mirabel, Is Luisa home?

Mirabel: Oh Sure, She's in her room at the moment

Y/N: Thank You

[You head inside Casita and upstairs and into Luisa's room, Only to find her sitting on her bed with a frown on her face]

Y/N: Um, Hi Luisa

[Luisa looks up to see you]

Luisa: Oh, Hi Y/N

[You go up to Luisa and sit next to her]

Y/N: What's wrong

[Luisa inhales and then exhales]

Luisa: I have been doing a lot of heavy lifting around The Encanto and Casita, and I need a break

Y/N: Oh, Well if you need a break, have you tried telling your Abuela that you do?

Luisa: That's the thing, I don't think she'll understand, You know how strict my Abuela is

[You grab a hold of Luisa's hands, Luisa looks at you]

Y/N: Come on Lulu, I'll be right by your side, Y'know, for moral support

Luisa: I Don't know, I-

[You help Luisa up from her bed]

Y/N: Come on, The worst your Abuela could possibly say is no

[You hold your hand out to Luisa]

Y/N: So do you trust me?

[Luisa starts blushing]

Luisa: Um, Sure, I trust you, Thanks for the pep talk Y/N

Y/N: Hey, what are friends for

[You and Luisa head downstairs and walk up to Alma, You clear your throat]

Y/N: Hello Mrs. Madrigal, Luisa would like to say something

[Luisa walks up to Alma]

Luisa: Hey Abuela listen, I've been doing a lot of heavy lifting throughout the Encanto and Casita and I was wondering, If I could maybe take a break from it all, Maybe I don't know like, For a day?

Alma: But of course, Luisa

Luisa: Gracias

[You and Luisa walk off, out the door and then outside]

Y/N: So Luisa, Since You have no plans or anything, Maybe you'd like to I don't know

[You start blushing] 

Y/N: Go out with me perhaps?

[Luisa starts blushing]

Luisa: Oh Sure

[Luisa giggles]

Luisa: I mean, You did give me the courage to ask Abuela for a break So think of this as a reward

[You grab a hold of Luisa hand and you two start walking, On your date, You and Luisa come across some flowers, You pick one up and give it to Luisa, Luisa blushes and then take the flower, Luisa then sniffs it, Later on You and Luisa stopped and got Ice Cream, You got Vanilla while Luisa got chocolate, While you two were licking your ice cream, Luisa gets some Ice cream on her nose, You start to snicker, Luisa joins in with you finding it funny also, Later on, You and Luisa came by a lake in the woods, You and Luisa sit on the grass]

Luisa: Wow, This looks especially beautiful at sunset, You really know some great spot around the Encanto, Y/N

Y/N: Thanks

[You place your and on top of Luisa's hand]

Y/N: Hey Luisa, Listen

Luisa: Hmm?

Y/N: I'm really glad I met you, I know I'm the one who usually comforts you but, You make me feel safe as well

[Luisa starts blushing and giggles nervously]

Luisa: Well Thanks, Um Y/N

Y/N: No Prob

[You and Luisa stare deeply into each others eyes, and then out of nowhere, The both of you plant your lips onto each others, You rub your hands on Luisa back, You then feel her tongue slither into your mouth, You two then break the kiss]

Y/N: So then, Shall I walk you home

Luisa: You certainly may

[You and Luisa walk back to Casita, Hand in hand]

Encanto X Male Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now