Mirabel X Short-Tempered Male!Reader

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[We open up to an exterior of your house in the Encanto, Everything was calm and peaceful, that is until we hear-]

Y/N: Motherfucker!!

[Cut to the inside of your house, You were red in the face and screaming into your headset]

Y/N: Come on, Right there, He's right there, Shoot!!

[You open up your map and see that your team mate has already been defeated]

Y/N: Ugh, Dios Mio!!

[There were twenty seconds left on the clock]

Y/N: Once again, I have to be the hero

[In your game, You pull out your weapon and defeat three of your opponents, But the last one fired of a weapon taking you by surprise, Your character in your game falls to the ground and the timer reached Zero, And as a result, You and your team lost, You inhale and then exhale]

Y/N: You know what that's cool, because you know what?

[You take the game out of your system and throw it at a wall in your room, breaking it in the process]

Y/N: I'm done with this piece of dogshit game anyway

[You plop down on your bed face first, You then scream in to your pillow, Your Dad then comes in your room gently]

D/N: Everything alright, Kiddo?

[You then sigh and get up]

Y/N: This game and these, Like players and opponents and then there's these like-

D/N: Hey, Hey, Y/N, Slow down and Just tell me what's bothering you?

Y/N: Dad, There's this game and the people I get paired up with are so dumb, and the opponents are so aggravating, and some of the people I get paired up with just plain don't do anything

[Your Dad blinks a couple times and places a hand on your shoulder]

D/N: Son, Listen, You just can't get mad over a video game, You're going to stress yourself out

[You slump down]

D/N: Just promise that  You can at least try to keep your temper in check

[You sigh]

Y/N: Okay, I will Dad

D/N: Thanks Y/N, Goodnight Son

Y/N: 'Night Dad

[Your dad walks out of your room closing the door behind him, You lay down and eventually you drift of to sleep]

[The next morning you get up and get dressed, after that you head out your door waving bye to your Mom and Dad]

Y/N: Okay, Just need to get a new headset and-

???: Hi Y/N

[You look over to see who it was, You see that it was your childhood friend, Mirabel Madrigal, When you and Mirabel were kids, she would come over to your house and watched you play with a soccer ball, While were playing soccer, You kicked it too hard and it went up a tree, You held your breath as you were about to have a hissy fit, Mirabel sees you and quickly give you hugs, Because of this you calm down, Flash Forward to the present day]

Y/N: Oh, Mirabel, What brings you here?

Mirabel: Oh I was just n my way to pick up a few things for Mi Abuela

Y/N: Oh, Heh Cool, Well see ya

[You walk away from Mirabel, until she speaks out to you]

Mirabel: Wait

[You look back to her]

Mirabel: I was thinking maybe you could come along with me

Y/N: O-Oh, Sur-

[You look up and move out of the way, You look up and see that you almost got bird poop on you as you see a flock of bird fly away, You start to build up with anger, Mirabel sees this and quickly hugs you, You calm down a bit]

Y/N: Thanks Mirabel

Mirabel: Oh, No problem

[Without hesitation Mirabel kisses you on the cheek, You begin to blush like mad, You look at her]

Y/N: Hey, Why'd you go and do that?

[Mirabel smiles at you]

Mirabel: Because I missed you, Ya hotheaded lug

[You smile at Mirabel]

Y/N: So, Uh how about I help  you get some things for Your Abuela

Mirabel: Sure

[You and Mirabel head of to a farmers market, hand in hand]

Encanto X Male Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now