Isabella X Street Fighter Male!Reader

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[Round 1, Fight!!]

[You were up against a large man with tattoos on his body, The large man lunges at you, You dodge each and every one of his attacks, You cup your hands together and the you begin to unleash an attack of your own]

Y/N: Hadouken 

[A blue plasma energy ball emerges from your hands and hits the large man, You saw that the man was dizzy, and at that moment, it was your turn to strike, You go up to the man and uppercut him]

Y/N: Shoryuken 

[The large man falls to the ground, You stand in triumph, But it wasn't over, for the Large man has gotten up]

[Round 2, Fight!!]

Y/N: Okay then

[you crack your knuckles]

Y/N: Bring it

[The large man lunges at you again, You dodge out of the way, You leap in the air and retaliate with a flying spin kick]

Y/N: Tatsumaki Senpukyaku

[You kick the large man square in the face, he falls to the ground but get's up dizzy, You jab him in the stomach multiple times and for you grand finale, you give him an uppercut]

[Round Over, Y/N Wins!!]

Y/N: Yes

[The crowd cheers for you as you laugh in triumph]

Y/N: Man, That fight went pretty good, Now time to

???: Y/N!!

[You then see your girlfriend, Isabella Madrigal, she is carrying bandages]

Isabella: How was the fight, Are you hurt, Do you need a bandage or anything? I can always get my Mama to make you an arepa or-

Y/N: Isa, Please, I'm fine, I appreciate your concern really I do but-

[You check your watch]

Y/N: Oh shoot I gotta get home, See you later Isabella

[You then kiss Isabella on the check and rush home, Isabella blushes and walks home]

[when You get home, You quickly climb through your window]

[Your mother hears you and goes up to your room to check on you, You quickly get in your bed and pick up a book, You hear the door open]

M/N: Y/N, is everything alright?

Y/N: Uh, Yeah Mom, Just getting some reading done

M/N: Oh, That's good to hear, Okay good night Y/N, Love you

Y/N: Love you too Mom

[You see your mother head out of your room, closing the door behind her, After she was gone, You get out of your bed and put your book down, you then continue to do sit ups and push ups The next day, You slip on your hoodie and go on a walk through the Encanto, While you were walking You then see Isabella]

Y/N: Oh, Hey Isa

[Isabella sees you and runs up to you and hugs you]

Isabella: Y/N, I'm so glad your feeling better

Y/N: Heh, Thanks

[Isabella stops hugging you]

Y/N: I'm gonna need some assistance for tonight

Isabella: Tonight, Why?

Y/N: Because I got another fight tonight, and I need you to be there to be my moral support and heal me and stuff

[Isabella blushes]

Isabella: Oh, Sure

Y/N: Cool, You're the best Isabella

[You kiss Isabella on the check and rush home to get ready for your fight tonight, Leaving Isabella standing and blushing]

[Later that night You were getting ready]

Y/N: Isabella, If I get injured or anything, Promise you'll be by my side

Isabella: Oh, Of course Mi Amor

[You smile warmly at Isabella]

Y/N: Thanks

[You kiss Isabella on the cheek, as you go out in the arena to fight, Isabella was stunned by your kiss, She places her hand on her cheek and blush, Cut to You facing against a beastly looking man, The beastly man strikes with his move, The Wild Fang, You counter attack with you on move, You cup your hands together]

Y/N: Hadouken 

[Your plasma ball erupts from your hand and hits the beast, You attack again this time with a flying spin kick]

Y/N: Tatsumaki Senpukyaku

[You see that the beast is dizzy, You finish him of with and uppercut]

Y/N: Shoryuken

[The beast falls to the ground with a grunt]

[Game Set, Y/N Wins!!]

[You stand victoriously and laugh in triumph, Isabella runs up to you and hugs you]

Isabella: Y/N, That was amazing

Y/N: Heh, Thanks Isa

[You were about to kiss Isabella on the cheek again but Isabella stops you and plants a big kiss on you lips, you retaliate by closing your eyes and hugging her, You two then break the kiss]

Y/N: So, Walk you back to Casita

Isabella: Sure

[Isabella boops your nose, you start blushing, You then pick Isabella up and carry her bridal style, Isabella starts to blush as a response, You then start to take Isabella home]

Encanto X Male Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now