Luna the cat

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     "I WON

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"I WON. I WON," Lily said, jumping up and down in excitement. Wilbur shook his head, smiling at her.

"I let you win," Wilbur said as they walked into the cafe.

"Just-" they stood in line. "Hush," Lily said as Wilbur laughed lightly. The line moved.

"What can I get for you guys today?" The girl at the counter asked. Wilbur scanned the Options as Lily spoke.

"I would like a lemon tea with a blueberry muffin," She fiddled with her fingers as she turned to Wilbur.

"I would like a medium coffee with sugar," Wilbur said. The girl smiled at Wilbur. He wanted to be polite so he smiled back.

"What do you want the name of the order to be?" The girl at the counter asked. Wilbur looked at Lily. They stared at each other for a second trying to see who was going to tell her their name.

"Wilbur," he said as Lily went to open her mouth. Wilbur stepped closer to the counter so he could pay. He pulled out his wallet and swiped his card.

"Hey" Lily got closer to Wilbur. "I wanted to pay," she stated as Wilbur smiled.

"Nope. I offered to come here so I get to pay," he said putting his card back in his wallet.

"Your order will be ready soon," the girl at the counter said. Lily and Wilbur left the counter to go find a seat.

"This one Will," Lily said as she sat in the chair by the window. Wilbur sat in the one in front of her.

"This place is very cute," Wilbur said looking at Lily.

"It is," she said looking around. "I work at the other one a couple of blocks away."

"That's cool. I used to go there all the time. I would have tea or coffee and write some music," he said.

"I really have to hear this music you talk about," She said. Wilbur shook his head smiling.

"Maybe soon," Lily smiled with excitement.

"Wilbur!" The girl at the counter shouted.

"I will be right back," he said before getting up. He left his phone on the table. As Wilbur grabbed the stuff they ordered, his phone went off. He was getting a call. Lily didn't want to touch it. So she ignored it and was going to tell him when he got back. Then Wilbur's phone went off two more times. "Here you go Lily and here's your blueberry muffin." He said handing Lily her stuff. As he sat down his phone went off again. He grabbed it, and answered the phone call.

"Yes, Tommy?" He asked. "I'm a little busy," he looked at Lily and smiled. "No, I will not stop what I am doing." He pulled his phone away from his ear. Lily heard the other side of the phone. Which was Tommy cursing Wilbur out. "You good?" He sighed. "Okay, I will text tomorrow when I am free. Then we can do that." Tommy signed and agreed before hanging up. "Sorry about that. Tommy can be annoying at times."

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