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"My mansion got rid by the cops, so Aura and Angel will stay here for a bit." Mikey said while pointing at his wife and daughter. Carmilla and Miai shared a look and jog towards the blond haired girl that was maybe older than them.

"Ugh, who is this nasty girls Mikey?" Aura ask while looking at the twins with disgust.

"They're just orphans." He said and this broke the twins heart even more making Miai hold Carmilla's hand.

"They're my daugthers..." Tekeomi said while carrying Carmilla who's visibly shaking while Sanzu carried Miai, the brothers then walk away from them then Ran, Rindou, and Koko follows them.

As Kakucho look at Mikey and shook his head in dissapointment then follows the others.

Carmilla then squirm in Tekeomi's hold as he let her down, Miai follws her sisters action as they stare at each other , then hold hands, and dash away.

While the twins are in the garden painting some flowers, golden brown eyes was looking at them. Carmilla ofcourse notice this and look at her.

"If you wanna play with us then come out." Miai said as she continued painting a beautiful sky.

"I-I just wanted to apologize at f-father's behavior..." Angel said and look down as her black locks bounces at the action.

"You wont apologize for your mother's behavior too?" Carmilla ask as she crossed her arms. Angel then sighs and look at them the way Aura look at them earlier.

"I wont, because you two are trashes who was in my father's way! Who are you two anyway?!" She ask as Miai look blankly at her while Carmilla just raise her eyebrow at her.

"Ohhh she's evil with a angelic name." Miai said as Carmilla giggled and circled around Angel.

"Hmmmm, are you really Mikey's daughter?" Carmilla ask as she touches her white lock and twirl it around her fingers "Hmmm definitely not. Were the originals here but Mikey's been denying it since he was angry that our mom leave him.!"

The twins giggled blankly and walk pass then and purposely bump their shoulders.

Everyone was in the kitchen and Mikey suddenly blurted out.

"I suddenly want potato fries..." He said as Aura stood up with a smile and went in the kitchen counter as the twins look at her. By looking at her looking at the potato with a troubled makes them want to laugh.

"First get the potato." Miaira said as Aura flinch and quickly grab the potato.

"Get the peeler..." Carmilla added as she side eye Aura.

"Peel it up and down.."Miai said with her voice darken as she side eye the women. Aura started to shake at the overwhelming stare from them.

"Dig the eyes with the knife tip." Carmilla added with these, Aura snapped her eyes at them and flinch when they're already looking at her, with their eyes glowing yellow and red.


She cant breath... As if big snakes was wrapped around her.


As if a sharp thing was pointed in her throat.

"Miss Aura!!" Miai shouted making her flinch and look at the twins who's looking at her.

"Mia said to cut the potato into a rectangle shape." Carmilla said and gave Miai some water. "But anyways, Uncle Ran and Uncle Rin were done.!" She beamed as the two smile at her.

"Ohhh~ my babies are done come and lets get you two cleaned up!" Rin said as he carried Miai and Ran carried Carmilla.

"Hey, its my turn.!" Sanzu said as he follow them. Kakucho and Koko then follow after saying.

"We need to watch Sanzu incase he did something messy."

Takeomi then followed in suit as Mochi just excuse himself to go home and rest up.

Angel was jealous since when the twins never exist those mens were spoiling her with gifts and now that the twins was here, as if she was invisible. They didnt even battle and eye at her.

She hated it.!

She needs to  get rid of them fast.!

But what she really dont know is that... She was dealing with demons itselves.

Mikey then sighs and stood up "Forget about the potato fries. Im not hungry anymore." He stated and went to his room leaving the mother in daughter lost in their thoughts.

𝕰𝖛𝖎𝖑 𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖘 (Bᴏɴᴛᴇɴ×Oᴄ) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now