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"Find these two, whoever find the two first I'll give a million dollars! Now go!" Koko ordered as the men scattered and some even get their cars to search in the city.

Sanzu was running around just to find the two while the others was scanning the qhole house and Kakucho was checking the cctvs'. Takeomi was seraching too.

Kakucho then call the others in the monitoring room cause he saw something. The others arrive there instantly. "Look at this." Kaku said as he pointed at the one of the video.

It shows them the twins running towards the forest.

Ran and Rindou instantly run out as the others follows them. They keep calling their names but no response making them panic a bit cause they know... They know that some wild bears and wolves are wondering around.

They go father in the forest when Takeomi hears a faint singing..

"Did you guys hear that??" He ask as the others went quite and tries to locate the song.

"Im your twin..." -Carmilla

"Youre my twin..."-Miai

"We stuck together through thick and thin"-both

"No matter what I do, im always stuck with you. And if trouble come our way I know my twin will save the day." -Miai

"Wherever you may be, youre always stuck with me, when youre feeling sad and blue... Call my name and i'll find you.."-Carmilla

"We have our bond that tried and true. You and me.."-Miai

"Me and you..."-Carmilla

"Two by two.."-Both.

They approach the two only to see them sleeping soundly in each other's arms under the shed of the tree.

"To be honest, I pitied them. They introduce themselves as Mikey's kid and Mikey didnt even denied it. But he just treat them like a trash after hearing that they killed their own mom." Koko said as he look at the two who's silently listening to their conversation.

"They killed the one who's Mikey loved." Takemomi pointed it out as Kakucho sighs.

"They had their reasons. They killed her for being abusive." Kakucho defended the girls and went to scoop Carmilla up and Ran lifted Miai.

"Just imagine what this cutie went through by the hands of their awful mom." Sanzu commented and look at the two who's cheeks was squished by the two man's biceps. "AWEEE LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS!!"

"Im going to spoil them." Rindou said taking out his black card as Koko took out his too.

"Yeah same."

"Im going to buy a whole building as their playground." Ran thought out loud as Kakucho look at him.

"Cause if Mikey cant be a dad to his own daughters. Why dont we fill up his role?" Kakucho smirk as they look at each and smirk as well.

Morning came as Carmilla and Miai was playing in the garden, Angel approach them with a cup of hot milk in hands. She runs towards them with a sweet smile.

"Cara-chan!! Mia-chan!! Can I play with the two of yo—Ah!" She eventually 'tripped' over a rock and splash the warm milk in Miai making her scream in pain.

"Miai!!" Carmilla shouted as she immediately approach her twin sister and started to fan her just to ease the hotness. "You starting a fight do you??!!" She shouted at angel who just smirk at them and walk away.

Carmilla look at Angel's retreating back and to her blonde locks. Carmilla then pull her hair making Angel fall into the ground as Carmilla keep pulling her hair.

"Whhaa??!! Hey that hurts—sttopp!!! Help me!!! Mo—owwn!! Letghoo!" Angel cried as Carmilla keep pulling her hair as the two wrestle in the ground Mikey came and pull them apart.

"Why are you two fighting?!" He ask furiously as Angel started to cry and play the victim again. Mikey look at Carmilla who's darkly looking at them.

"Dont you ever dare to open your mouth now, Papa." Carmilla said darkly and started to support Miai who's in pain. "Your great and perfect DAUGHTER satrted it first im just returning the favor." She added as they walk away.

Carmilla was inspecting Miai's burn mark Koko came in and quickly assist Miai.

"Who did this?" Rindou ask Carmilla but he got no response received. He look at her who's blankly staring at Miai. She looks like Miai but with white hair.

𝕰𝖛𝖎𝖑 𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖘 (Bᴏɴᴛᴇɴ×Oᴄ) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now