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Aura was talking to someone in her phone as she stopped above the staircase and talk for a while without even noticing that Carmilla was looking at her like a hunter looking at her prey.

When the call ended, Carmilla approach the oler women and look at her blankly.

"Oi old hag." She called making Aura look at her with a annoyed face.

"You again Twat? After hurting my daughter in the garden?! You have guts to face me?!" She shouted as Carmilla smirk at her.

"Did you even teach your daughter some good manners? She purposely spill the milk into my Precious sister!" Carmilla said as Aura look down at her.

"How dare you question me about my parenting method! You dont know anything." Aura said but then flinch when she saw Carmilla's evil smirk.

"Oh really? Then what about this DNA result that Angel wasnt really dad's real daugther." She said as she wave the paper in the air and smirk when she finally got the reaction she wants to see. "and some voice records of your call to Angel's real dad." She added while showing her the phone that Koko bought her "And some records of you saying that youre only using our dad for money."

Aura cant take it anymore so she grasp her small shoulder and glare at her. "Listen here you lil' shit... If I see your face again in this house i'll make sure to throw you out in that blood hungry dogs in the basement.!" Aura hissed at Carmilla who just stare at her blankly.

"We wont leave this house till our own dad look at us with those loving eyes he gave at Angel!" Carmilla hissed back as she slowly walk forward and Aura walk bakwards. "And those eyes when he looks at you... You need to perish." With that she push Aura off the stairs but her eyes widen when Carmilla saw a glimpse of brown shoes in the downstairs corner. So she quickly switches their position by grabbing Aura's wrist and pull her up as she let herself fall.

Aura look at the girl wide eyes as Carmilla's head hit the staircase and roll down in the rest of the staircases. In cue a High Sanzu came out of the corner and saw Carmilla laying in the floor with blood in her head.

"Carmilla??!!" Sanzu called and rush towards the unconscious child. He craddled the girl in his arms while calling her name, he then look up and saw Aura there looking at him wide eyes. "You bitch!!! What did you do?!!"

Aura stuttered a answer and fall into her knees.

Sanzu's yelling caught the others attention making them run towards Sanzu and saw him Craddling Carmilla's bloody head.

"Clinic now!!" Kakucjo shouted as Ran snatch the girl away and run towards their clinic as the other follow. Sanzu throw Aura a deadky glare before following the others.

Wrap bandanges around Carmilla's head as Miai was holding her twin sister's hand silently waking her up.

"What happened?" Mikey suddenly enter the clinic as the others look at him with a blank eyes.

"Your bitch push Carmilla in the stairs, Mikey." Sanzu answered coldly.

"Maybe its just a mistake." Mikey retorted until Miai stood up with tears in her eyes.

"Enough of this! We were wrong all along! We was just trying to win ms. Aura and Angel's love but this..." She pointed at her unconscious twin "This is crossing the line. Get out!" With that she plop herself again in the chair and hold Carmilla's hand.

Night came, around 11 PM. Everyone was asleep except for the twins.

"I think looking for him was a bad Idea Mia.." Carmilla started as she munches her apple.

"Yeah I think so too." Miai answer as she finished peeling the tangerine. The two then look at each other with frowns in their faces. "If we leave..."

"There's 50% chances that we wont see the others too..." Carmilla finishes Miai's sentence.

"Youre wrong sister... They're Bonten. The modt feared and wealthy organization in whole Japan and even have transactions in some foreign Countries. They can easily track the traitors down... So they can easily track us too..." Miai said as the two look at each other with knowing look.

"Just a game of..."

"hide n' seek."

𝕰𝖛𝖎𝖑 𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖘 (Bᴏɴᴛᴇɴ×Oᴄ) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now