Can I see you tomorrow night? (prolouge part 1)

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Waking up I yawned and stretched. As much as I was exhausted and wanted to sleep in it was my fault I stayed up so late. Turning off my annoying ass alarm I scrolled through tiktok for awhile before getting ready. Change my clothes, brush my hair, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, and pack my bag. 

Nothing special but at least I won't have to do this for much longer, after all it is the second to last week of school. And after awhile of struggling all of my grades are C's or above so I won't metaphorically get my ass kicked by my mom. I don't understand why she cares considering in our state there's a law that even if someone gets all F's they still move on to the next grade. 

But moms just want what's best for their kids I guess. I was dropkicked from my thoughts when we got to school. Saying goodbye to my mom I hopped out of the car and headed into school, I still find it weird this is the only school in the district that isn't one building and has halls outside but I guess it was just built different HAH. 

I laugh at my own joke as I lean against the wall and wait for class to start so I can go inside the english building. What luck I must have to get english class as my first period. Going back to scrolling through tiktok until the bell rings then I go into the building, at least I don't have any hard work since it's the end of the year.

--timeskip because it's literally just class--

The bell rung and I sprinted out the door to the cafeteria to get in line, looking at the menu we're having meatball subs today hell yeah. Since I got into line so quickly it doesn't take long for me to grab my food, talk to the lunch lady, and head out the cafeteria to the library. Halfway to the library building my friend catches up to me and starts to walk next to me.

"Please don't tell me you got five fucking things of ketchup AGAIN"

he pinches the bridge of his nose at the memory of my habit to get absurd and concerning amounts of ketchup at lunch just to torture him. What can I say, it's hilarious every time. To me at least, to him not so much.

"Do you seriously think I would disgrace this magnificent meal with that? No, you'll be spared from my lunch abominations today I would never dare insult this delicious meatball sub that way. I'm offended that you think so lowly of me."

I dramatically cover my face and lean back like I'd been backstabbed in faux betrayal before sitting down at the same table we sit at every time. He sighs in relief about not having to deal with my bullshit today before laughing at my overdramatic shit.

"I'm sure you'll survive."

"I will not forsooth I have been backstabbed, betrayed and insulted in my own home."

"Uh huh. sure whatever you say."

With that we both start eating out lunches but I finish much faster eating the whole thing in three bites before pulling out my phone and scrolling through tiktok yet again. We sit in silence for awhile besides me showing him a meme or two until the bell rings and we go our seperate ways.

-timeskip more class shite-

Walking out of 6th period I head past the gates and I'm about to leave when I feel a hand grab my shoulder

(A/N HEY EVERYBODY I know I should be working on my other fic but I'm honestly getting pretty bored with writing it at the moment so I decided to start writing the spinoff I've been planning)

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