Lemme respawn real quick

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"Well, this isn't hell."

"That certainly was an interesting way to go out, wasn't it?"

Who the fuck is that. I turn around to see someone walking towards me. I try to step back but before I can a weird pitch black root grabs my feet so that I can't run. Okay this is really fucking weird and creepy. They take their sweet time walking over to me getting to me they seem to inspect me for a minute before I feel the weird roots let go but dot disappear seemingly testing to see if I'll run away.

I choose to stay put, something about this person is weirdly intimidating. Like if I were to pull anything they would have those roots strangle me. Deciding I've died enough times for my liking I decide not to mess with anything. 

"Anyways, I saw the shit you pulled and let me just say I found it hilarious. Decided to not waste entertainment so here you are. I'll be sending you into one of my favorite worlds so far so try not to bother me while I sort some shit out with sending you there."

So that's it? The only reason I'm even alive is some sick form of entertainment? Eh, fitting for how my life went. I sit down on the pitch black ground, the place I'm in looks like a mix of a void, a mansion, and a castle. With everything being pitch black and not reflecting light I can only see these odd white lines separating everything.

I sit down and wait for them to come back and send me to wherever, eventually getting bored and zoning out until they came back.

"Alright now that I've got everything sorted I'm gonna explain some things to you before you go because I like to spoil shit for people. One, you respawn like a video game just try not to die too much it's annoying to do that a lot." 

Two, you're like some sorta fuckin sponge when it comes to magic, it's a weird side effect of sending humans to dimensions with magic so use that information as you will. "

"Three, in the world I'm sending you to they have a very loose definition of god so don't be surprised if you gain a small cult, who knows you might even actually become one because of the way shit works there."

"Four, don't be scared if limbs fall off. It wouldn't be any fun for me if you get damaged so I'll fix anything major, since this is like a super cool thing I'm doing for you I expect you to make it worth my while. Maybe use it as a party trick that would be hilarious to see the reactions."

"Five, a side effect of the last one is that small shit like cuts heal faster but looking at your life you already healed weirdly fast so not much will change."

"And that's it. Buh-bye now."

Wait what the fuck is-

I was promptly cut off by very harshly landing on some cave floor. I was about to get up until a pile of shit was dropped on me with a sticky note. "Oh yeah, you're definitely gonna need this" another sticky note just fucking appeared in the air and floated onto me. Reading it I figured it was a list of whatever the hell they dropped on me.

Standing up and dusting myself off I read the list that popped out of the fucking air.

"Cloak, mask, translation necklace thing, (somehow bottomless) bag of geo with exactly 20,000 inside, pure nail with some weird language carved into it (does magic), some weird thing with charm notches (idk what the hell to name this), assortment of charms in a box, (also bottomless) bag, a small pouch of food, and a completed map"

I throw the cloak, necklace, and mask on, tossing nearly everything else in the surprisingly actually bottomless bag besides the map , nail and charm notch thing which I wrapped around my waist like a weird belt. I pull out the map and surprise surprise I'm in hollow knight.

I already figured it out from the nail, geo, and charm notches so I wasn't surprised. I decided to look through the charms and see if I had wayward compass, after a bit of digging I found it and equipped it. Turns out I was pretty close to the crossroads so I decided to head there. When I got to the main roads it became clear the place was pretty busy before the infection was a serious threat.

Deciding to stop at a stall selling food I pulled out the geo bag and bought some meat. It was raw so I decided the next best thing would be to find some flint and something to burn, wandering the market for awhile I eventually found some being sold for 50 geo. Guess it's a commodity here, duly noted. Deciding that I'd probably find something flammable in greenpath I marked that as my next stop.

Trying to get there as fast as possible I took several detours  and ended up running into some infected bugs. Just my luck. I pull out the nail and kill them pretty quickly die to the fact that it's a literal pure nail. Shrugging, I move on not really caring to question why the infected bugs were there specifically.

Moving on I eventually got to greenpath, collecting the most dry materials I could find I went to a spot with only grass and ripped a small patch up, grabbing some rocks to put around the edge so that I don't light everything on fire. 

Not caring enough to check around me I failed to notice the small group watching me, confused as to what I was doing. Finishing setting up the fire I started sparking the flint together until it lit on fire. Pulling out the meat from earlier I used a few sticks to set it over the fire, slowly rotating it so that it cooked easily.

After finally having everything set up I heard a rustle behind me and turned around, seeing the group of bugs that accumulated watching me. I awkwardly stared back at them for a minute before deciding to actually say something.

"What, have y'all never seen someone cook before?"

A few looked confused while the others lost interest and walked away. Well that's odd.

"No, the only people who cook are nobles, and they certainly never use the method you're using. It's much too expensive for most of us to cook with soul like they do"

Huh, I mean I guess that makes sense, if they used soul as some sort of fuel like gasoline. I'd imagine keeping that up would be pretty expensive.

"I mean- I could always cook the food for you. Not like I have anything better to do."

Did I just become a fucking community chef-

(A/N HI EVERYBODY sorry for the late post it takes awhile to write longer chapters but I have good news! I'm finally passing in all my classes meaning I might post chapters more often although they'll probably be for this fic as I'm much more interested in this one at the moment. I don't count the last week of school as real school so expect to start seeing more chapters next week. Have a good day!)

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