POV change? What is this an actual plot?

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What the fuck did I just get myself into

At least the kids will feel safe? Did I just doom small child-like bugs to a gruesome death- they probably would've died early anyways. Fucking christ that's a grimm thought. As I head back to the hot spring I sorta zone out until I bump into some poor bug.

"OH SHIT I'M SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY? I didn't see you because you are so short and I am so tall."

I help them up and they grumble something about nobles these days and how rude I am. Kinda seems like you're the rude one here but okay I guess. I continue on to the hot springs, as soon as I lay down in the soul infused water I feel the same brick wall absorption feeling as last time but this time I'm much more prepared. 

Once I get into the water I lean the back of my head onto the edge of the spring to keep my head out of the water. God this water is so nice and warm, I feel like I could lay in here forever. After a bit I predictably start glowing. Ignoring the stare I get from the bug across the spring, I just keep sitting in the spring water. 

They seem like they just came here to chill which is honestly respectable. After laying in the spring for awhile I finally get out, I think it's some sort of fullness indicator? Like when I can't absorb any more soul? That would make sense. 

Anyways I don't really have anything to do so I think I'll just head back to the inn. Walking through that village where the guard stopped me was easier this time as they let me through with much less trouble than last time.

Once again I got stares and I ignored them, I heard some whispering bugs but I really don't have the energy to say the same thing 50 times over at the moment. As soon as I get to the inn I walk into the room I'm staying in and flop onto the bed. 

Maybe I shouldn't be tired but I don't exactly have anything to do but sleep and- I sit up as I hear some fuckin whispers. Well those certainly aren't the usual voices in my head. I listen closer and it sounds like praying. God damn it.

I guess that's what happens when you walk around glowing and literally tell people you're a god, it's probably some fucking cult or something. I remember reading a fic where the pale baby murderer could hear the prayers of bugs who worshipped him so I'm guessing it's the same thing.

I grumble and get up, hearing the whispers fade out. So it only happens when I'm trying to sleep? Of course that's just my luck, the person with insomnia hears whisper bs as soon as they try to fall asleep why wouldn't I.

I stretch and try to think of something to do- wait a minute what about that rock thing I did? Maybe I could try it again? Eh, not like I have anything better to do. I pull out a few random scraps to test, starting with anther rock I had from the first time I did this I focus on it and try to just put some of my soul into it.

After a second it glows and I move on to the next to see if it's only rocks. Once I'm done I have a bunch of glowing scrap with nothing to do but put it on some shelf on the wall of my room and look for another thing to do. Maybe I could-

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