I wrote this while painting semi realistic shrek

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And maybe it's not such a bad idea to be a god

After awhile of traveling with a lot of odd looks and being stopped a few times to explain why I look like a damn glowstick, I finally get to the inn. Paying for a week of staying there I lay down before remembering that I told those bugs I would cook for them, well shit. 

I sprint out of the door making sure I have everything as I run as fast as I can to greenpath, ignoring any questions along the way. I just barely make it back to that spot I was in and set up before the bugs from before enter with some meat. One by one they hand me theirs and tell me how much they paid for it.

I explained the reason why I was glowing using the god excuse like I did every other time and I saw one of them become anxious at this, shrugging it off as just being understandably spooked about near a god. I decided to use the excess soul to speed up the cooking process and to get rid of the glow. 

After awhile I finally finish the last bit of tiktik meat, saying goodbye and putting out the fire I get an urge to follow one of them. The entire time they seemed nervous, and they brought more meat than the others using a sale as an excuse. 

Originally I let it slide but they seemed like they were in a rush to leave the entire time while none of the others were, one of them even offered to pay extra as some sort of favor since they thought I was a god which makes this even more suspicious.

I quietly started following them, making sure I wasn't seen by sneaking behind carts and such. After I followed them for awhile I began to get disinterested but I was not about to let some bug resell my food and get away with it. As I followed them I quickly realized they were heading to the market. Not wanting to accidentally accuse an innocent bug I waited a bit longer.

 They started heading to a new and rushed looking stall. Before they could get there I intercepted them, they seemed terrified and tried to run but I stopped them, it was pretty easy since they were like 3 feet tall as most of the bugs here were.

"And what do you think you're doing? I don't appreciate being taken advantage of you know. It's pretty rude."

I think they're shaking- I guess I'm like the equivalent of a 7-8ft person to them so I shouldn't be surprised. I would be fucking horrified in their situation too. Looking around I noticed a few bugs watching and whispering. Well shit, this is the opposite of what I wanted. 

"Look just don't try to resell my shit again. Take this as a warning since I'm too damn tired to deal with you."

They just seemed relieved that I didn't want to hurt them. They should be because I'm being generous right now. I don't have to be nice but I am genuinely tired and I really just want to go back to my room in the inn a few villages over. 

"I promise you it won't happen again."

"It better not, I'll be checking the markets around here to make sure so don't try and be slick."

I walked off before they replied, since I'm already pretty close I decide to head to the hot springs again. After all I still haven't figured out how soul works for me and I'd rather get that out of the way first.

I bumped into a few bugs that looked like kids on my way, jesus fucking christ they looked tired. When I ask they say something about how the infection comes in dreams. I felt bad for them so I pulled out a random ass rock from my bag and hoped that this would work.

After focusing on it and just kinda willing my soul into it it started glowing a little bit. The kids seemed interested so I had to make up some lie on the spot.

"I put a spell on this rock, if you keep it in your house you protect everyone in it from the infection. Be careful because if it gets passed around too many households then the spell might stretch too thin and break."

Eagerly grabbing it the kids thanked me, talking about how their parents could finally sleep without worrying about them.

What the fuck did I just get myself into

(A/N hey readers, I've had a tough past couple of days so sorry for the longer wait for chapters. I swear I'll get a chapter of the main fic out soon now that I've set a direction for the plot on this one. Once again expect more chapters once it's summer because I'll have time now I'm fucking exhausted so have a good day y'all)

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