Chapter 3

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Yoongi had always been known for his unwavering dedication and hard work. Throughout his high school years, he maintained a rigorous schedule, balancing his studies with a demanding office job just to make ends meet. While his commitment to his responsibilities was commendable, it left him feeling isolated from his friends. Despite his reserved nature, Yoongi managed to excel academically, earning top grades in all his assignments and gaining recognition from his teachers for his exceptional work ethic.

Fast forward about a year, and Yoongi found himself in a state of exhaustion. The combination of long hours at work and the demands of his university studies had taken a toll on him. Despite his best efforts, he still struggled to earn enough money, even with overtime. Seeking solace and companionship, he decided to pay a visit to his old and closest friend, Jungkook.

But you may ask, 'Why was that?'

Back in high school, Yoongi had always worn a stoic expression, which unintentionally created a barrier between him and his peers. This demeanor intimidated his classmates, leading them to distance themselves from him. However, Yoongi's ten closest friends, especially his fellow friends BTS, saw past his tough exterior and recognized the soft-hearted individual within. They treated him with unwavering kindness, unlike others who failed to understand him.

Jungkook, in particular, had a naturally friendly nature that made Yoongi trust him implicitly. When Yoongi found himself in dire financial straits, he turned to Jungkook for help, requesting a loan. Jungkook, understanding his friend's predicament, agreed to lend him the money, providing Yoongi with a sense of relief. Yoongi's intention in visiting Jungkook's house was to catch up and enjoy a pleasant conversation, but the encounter took an unexpected turn.

"Hi, Jungkook! It's been a while, bro," Yoongi greeted his friend, hoping for a warm reunion.

"Yoongi! I lent you a significant amount of money for two months, and you still haven't paid me back!" Jungkook's accusation caught Yoongi off guard.

Yoongi initially felt a jolt of surprise at Jungkook's words, but soon the he realised that he had indeed borrowed money from his friend during a difficult time when he was struggling with debt. Caught up in his responsibilities, including caring for his parents, Yoongi had unintentionally forgotten to repay the loan.

"Please understand, Jungkook. I promise to pay you back next month. I'm currently going through financial hardship, and I don't have enough money to give you at the moment. I have to..." Yoongi attempted to explain, pleading for understanding.

"You always procrastinate on paying me back! I've called you multiple times. I'm not your friend anymore. You need to repay the money now!" Jungkook's anger flared, causing tensions to rise.

Losing his composure, Yoongi couldn't contain his frustration and shouted, "I told you, I don't have the money to give you right now!"

Jungkook, equally upset, engaged in a heated argument with Yoongi. The conflict escalated, and eventually, Jungkook reached his breaking point, forcefully pushing Yoongi out of his house.

Head hanging low, Yoongi left, feeling a mix of sadness and disappointment. He was not financially well-off, and he worked tirelessly to support himself, juggling his studies and job. Trusting Jungkook implicitly, he had turned to him for help, unable to comprehend why his friend couldn't understand his difficulties.

However, consumed by his emotions, Yoongi failed to exercise caution as he crossed the road. Lost in his sorrow, he neglected to check for incoming traffic, resulting in a tragic collision with an oncoming car. The impact was severe, instantly claiming Yoongi's life.

So, whose car was it?

Maybe you'll not be surprised much, if I tell you that.....






It was none other than Jennie's crazy car.

The collision propelled the car off the road, causing it to skid for several miles before crashing into a wall. Jennie, not wearing her seatbelt, was thrown from the car, her body battered and broken. Her skull was fractured, shards of glass from the car window had lacerated her face, her limbs were severely scratched, and.....

Well after all.....nothing good starts in a getaway car.

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