Chapter 6

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(~1 week later)

Jungkook was in a state of shock when he heard about Yoongi's death. He couldn't believe that his friend was gone, and his emotions overwhelmed him. Is it sadness, or is it guilt? They are mingled together, each one vying for dominance.

As soon as  Jungkook knew that it was his old friend Jennie that has caused the accident, anger surged through his veins like molten lava. Why did she had to drive so recklessly and endanger the lives of others!

However, as time passed, Jungkook's feelings became more complicated. He started feeling uneasy and insecure, struggling to concentrate on his studies. Even his hobbies failed to bring him joy. The weight of guilt burdened his soul as he blamed himself for not being there for Yoongi and for failing to grasp the extent of his friend's struggles. The notion that he played a part in Yoongi's tragic end haunted him relentlessly.

Months went by, and Jungkook still hadn't fully processed his own role in the events that led to Yoongi's death. One day, while walking home from school, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. He remembered that he was the one who had pushed Yoongi out of the house on the day of the accident. The argument they had ignited Yoongi's anger, leading him to storm out. It was Jungkook who set in motion the chain of events that ultimately resulted in the accident.

The weight of this revelation crushed Jungkook's spirit. Guilt and regret consumed him, and he yearned for the ability to turn back time and make amends. Yet, deep down, he knew that it was too late.

The voices in his head grew louder and more insistent:

"It's your fault that Yoongi died!"

"Why did you kick him out of your house?"

"You're a terrible friend!"

"Why didn't you understand his struggles?"

"Yoongi trusted you more than anyone else!"

Jungkook battled to silence these voices, but they persisted relentlessly. He started skipping classes and avoiding his friends. The fear of facing their judgment and hearing their condolences overwhelmed him. All he desired was solitude, where he could confront his thoughts and come to terms with his guilt.

As weeks turned into months, Jungkook's mental health deteriorated further. He experienced panic attacks and nightmares, unable to find solace in sleep. His grip on reality slipped, and he felt as if he was spiraling out of control.

One day, in a moment of desperation, he stumbled upon a bottle of pills on a shelf. Without considering their purpose, he disregarded the consequences. Overwhelmed by pain and guilt, he opened the bottle and consumed all the pills in one gulp.......

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