Chapter 10

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It's been two weeks since Lisa 'demolished' Kai's car. Since the breakup that night, Kai had called her almost every day, trying to apologize and explain everything, but she ignored every single call. Soon, there were over 10 missed calls from Kai on Lisa's phone.

Lisa wanted to delete Kai's number from her phone once and for all, but she couldn't, as some unknown urge inside her had stopped her from doing so.

Prior to his many calls, she couldn't do anything but pick up the phone. It was extremely strange she did that not because of her impatience, but because of some inexplicable feeling that she couldn't shake it off. Kai stuttered 'I'm so sorry Lisa....but I....' his voice trailed off '....I just want to get back together with you as....I still love you....a lot...'

Lisa, hearing such things, became speechless. But she suddenly thought about that terrible night and turned angry, she shouted 'IT'S OVER, KAI! WE ARE NEVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER, EVER AGAIN!!!' Before Kai can even say 'Lisa, no....please don't...' she promptly hung up.

She was initially proud that she finally could 'get rid' of Kai and he would not bother her any more. She almost wanted shout with joy to Kai, 'B****, now I'm solo!' (Misheard, lol)

However, her happiness for being a 'shining solo' only lasted for a few days. She then had a feel, an indescribable feeling sort of like being hollow mixed up with.....she just didn't know what. Is this remorse, sadness.......or something else?

Even worse, when she heard that both Jennie and Chaeyoung, her besties, had died. The news hit her like a punch in the gut. Being a double, no, triple blow along with Kai's incident, she fell into a state of dreariness as she hadn't contacted any of the girls for a long time and did not know their sorrows and grief.

She felt guilty about Jennie the most. Not only was she her 'sister', they both dated the same guy without knowing about it. Lisa had no idea that Kai was cheating on them. If she had noticed it earlier, she would've told Jennie to dump him, and she wouldn't feel heartbroken nor her unfortunate car crash would ever have happened.

Feeling broken, Lisa went up to the rooftop, where she and Kai once stargazed. She remembered leaning on his shoulder while murmuring dreamily 'Dear, the stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they?' Kai replied, 'Yes they are, but you are the moon, shining the brightest among them,' while pointing at the big round lamp hanging in the sky.

She felt her cheeks redden and grow hot, and gasped 'Oh, Kai, you sure are....' Before Lisa got to finish her sentence, Kai swept her in his arms, saying 'I know, darling', and they smiled happily while hugging under the starlit sky.

What's more, the same place also happened to be where the girls used to play music loudly late in the night, when the city's asleep. Jennie had brought a speaker and put their favorite playlist on infinite loop, especially their shared beloved song 'Lovesick Girls' by their favorite group of all time —Blackpink. (Rosie did say so once, They knew every single choreography, never missing an idle beat.

They always danced in a frenzy every time the song played, grooving and shouting '🎶Yeah we were born to be alone, but why we still looking for love! 🎶' along to the upbeat melody, they didn't care about anyone complaining about all the ecstatic din.

She remembered that Jennie and her, who are known to be the most 'savage' among the girls, often did the rap parts of the songs, swagging as if they were professional rappers.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo, on the other hand, who were recognised as great vocalists, did most of the singing. Also, it's funny that at the first time they did so, Jisoo, a shy girl, had hesitated at first. But not for long, she joined in immediately without any persuasion. She had since ended up being the wildest of them all. Once, she even rapped along and boy, she was talented. Lisa couldn't help but smile.

As Lisa stood on the edge of the building, reminiscing about the happy memories with her best friends and her ex, Kai, the horrendous nightmare of the breakup suddenly struck her mind. Her mind went blank and in complete blackness. She closed her eyes and free fell into the open air.

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