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So, it's been completely one week since I have been residing in this village

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So, it's been completely one week since I have been residing in this village. In these past days, that hot night was the last time I've seen my Rukku!

As we are getting married soon, my parents are not allowing me to even get out of my house. Well...I can't wait to marry her, which is why I asked my parents to finish off the wedding as soon as possible within this month itself.

Rukku and her parents also agreed to my words making me fly over the sky! Uff!... I wasn't so sure that they would approve of my request but as they did so, I couldn't contain my happiness! Even so... I'm kind of sad to have not been able to meet my Rukku for days.

Still, one day in these past days, without anyone's knowledge, I sneak out of the house in the early morning to encounter Rukku in the pond, however sadly...she wasn't there. Then only did I realize that even Rukku has been held captive in her house. I mean, she is the soon-to-be bride so...

Despite all of that, I didn't lose my spirit to get a glance at her somehow. Because it's killing me inside to not be able to gawk at her enticing eyes...

Damn, she is an enchantress!!

Though I had been teasing Rukku physically, I don't think it's just lust that I possess for her. What I'm intending to say is a sort of distinct feeling that cannot be put out in a sentence to be understood.

Well...have you ever suddenly stared at a person and thought like...

I want to spend the rest of my life with them.

Not going into sexual stuff, but just solely an innocent emotion that buds and blossoms into our hearts in an unintentional manner when our pupils find that special person.

And my special person is my Rukku.

Owing to that fact, I couldn't restrain myself from attempting another way to fetch a look at her. Yeah, I also made an effort to lurk out of my house at midnight again hoping that I could see my Rukku but unluckily, I was caught by my parents just before I could even cross the compound of our home.

Then they gave me a lot of lectures. However, what made my attention steady on them was the story about some seductive ghost named Kaamini...

My parents had told me that this ghost would hunt down males, especially those of them who are soon-to-be-married by seducing them at first with its beautiful lady form and eventually would murder them with its ghost self...

What I had thought after hearing that story was "every other fantasy or superficial dramas, movies or stories".

Until I came to know that one of the maids in our house has seen that...well I could have easily shrugged off their words as a lie or a made-up one right? But that grandma was a lovely woman who I have great respect and affection therefore I can't just refuse my mind from believing her story of witnessing the ghost...

Hmm...and hence I now couldn't make any means to see my Rukku unless it's on our marriage day.

According to our family astrologer, there's not any particularly auspicious day in this month for conducting our engagement, so we skipped it and now it's directly our wedding that would be held in another one week's time.

Ah...for another seven days I have to be blinded from glimpsing my Rukku!!!


"Mom, where are you heading to?" I quirk my eyebrow, lowering the headphone to my neck while sitting on the living room couch, with my laptop slumping on my lap.

Nope...not office work. Just playing some video games.

"Temple..." She says as she hurriedly walks off to the entrance of the house. "Why mom?" I ask again and she turns to give me a doubtful glance.

"It's Sunday mom, it's a cozy day. You should stay home and sleep well. Also, you have already gone to the temple once in the morning." I speak and shrug casually."Well, my dear son, there's a special evening pooja which will be conducted on every no moon day to safeguard our village people from the evil spirits that would be in their utmost power on this specific day. All females will be attending it, thus, your mom's no exception you know..." She explains and smiles at me.

All females?

So my Rukku would be there too, wouldn't she?

"Can I give you company mom?" I ask as sweet as I can. "Hm...it's a temple so no problem" though her words are apparent, I know she has understood my hidden intention of meeting Rukku there, analyzing by my mom's knowing smile...Almost all moms are genius in such and many more matters. End of discussion.

Not even waiting for another second to go by waste, I sprint towards my room and got dressed up in a black button-up shirt and sandal slacks. I fold the full hand of the shirt up to my elbow and roll a silverish-gold wristwatch on my left hand while on the other, I had a gold bracelet draped on.

Perfect. I think as I rake my image in the mirror. Satisfied, I decline downstairs with a smile but mom gave me a disapproving look. "You know...you should wear a white veshti with that black shirt. Girls here love that.." she gave pressure to the word girls and I instantly grasp what she meant.

My Rukku also loves that...

"I don't have any veshti mom," I say in a dull tone. "Well your dad has so many white veshti and there are few which he hadn't worn yet. I will get one for you. Wait here" she speaks and rashly enters her room.

Quick as she had gone into the room, she exits the room rapidly too, but with a veshti in her hand this time.
After offering a wide grin to my mom, I pluck the veshti from her hand and get back to my room to deck it on me.

Tying the veshti isn't a huge task thus I was done with it in less than two minutes.

Again as I appear in front of my mom, she shakes her head negatively. "What's wrong?" I inquire as I look down the veshti and back to mom. "Lift the hem of it, fold, and tie it with a knot hanging in the middle." Oh. The hero look!!! I do what she had said and I finally give her a stylish pose.

"Ah, my son is handsome!" She cooes, shaking her head while grinning. "Of course!" I declare proudly with a smile.



Chap 21 is also updated ❤️

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