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None of them can really remember exactly when they had started thinking of Icarus as a part of the group, it had just happened one day.

It was after the first meet up with Tommy that began anything.

Lake had watched as the blonde slumped in his office chair after streaming in Lake's office. It had been fun and chat seemed to eat up the brotherly dynamic between the two. And Lake's boyfriend, Harvey had left to go buy the three of them snacks.

The teenager looked at his phone several times when Lake had been talking about nonsense, quieting a little bit when he noticed that Tommy hadn't done his usual thing of interrupting.

"Tommy? You okay, man?"

Picking his head up, Tommy nods but still has a look on his face.

"You know if somethings bothering you, you can tell me."

Tommy nodded and a smile finally crossed his face.

"I know, I'm a big man, I don't need to talk about my feelings. Ugh gross!"

The two fell easily into laughter at that.


The next time they had met up and hung out, Tommy still looked a little upset and was obsessively checking his phone whenever they weren't filming.

Lake decided he needed to know what was making his metaphorical little brother upset.

After a lot of grumbling and avoidance, Tommy finally confessed.

"It's Icar, He's ignoring me or being all depressed and shit when I invite him to come with."

Confusion laced into Lake's features.

Most of the dsmp knew of Tommy having an older sibling, the teenager having complained about them many times or subtle mentioning something about it.

None of them had talked much to said sibling, not even knowing their name. Aside from the occasional message via Tommy's account, none of them had interacted with this mysterious sibling.

There's a fairly long stretch of silence, enough for Tommy to notice and give Lake a look of confusion back.

"That's your brother, right? Icar?"

Tommy's eyes went wide and he stuttered before he responded, groaning when Lake started laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, Icarus. He's not as funny as me. And he's a coward for not showing up."


The next day after that vlog, Icaurs had barged into Tommy's room while he was streaming with an excited spring to their step and ready to start rambling about the show he had just watched only to stop short when he realized.

The fellow blonde stood awkwardly as Tommy spun in his chair to face them. He wasn't in view of the camera so the chat couldn't see them but it didn't stop Tommy from giving Icarus an annoyed sigh.

"You scared the shit out of me! What do you want?"

The tone is playful but Icarus still felt bad, the once excited mood shifting as he shrugs and does his best not to show his growing nerves.

He smirks when Tommy turns away from them, an idea popping into his head before he snuck up behind his younger brother.

Without much warning, Icarus shook the chair just as Tommy's character was hit into a void. Icarus began wheezing with laughter while he ducked his brother's flailing arms that reached to smack him.

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