273 5 3

Tw - mentions of family issues, anxiety, mentions of attempted suicide



Icarus sat nervously on the train that morning, his messages to his closest friend opened and eyes glue to it.

His excitement to see the ginger again almost outweighed his anxiety of traveling alone.

Tommy had grogily offered to go with him but Icarus declined, noting how his brother had already been halfway back to sleep as it was and had mentioned more plans to hang out with Ranboo as often as possible while he was here.

Icarus had wanted to say he wanted to as well but said nothing, continuing drinking the coffee in his hands.

Now, two hours later, they were slightly regretting their own decision as an old woman across the isle gave him a judgmental stare when they made eye contact.

"Dam kids, always on their phones these days!"

Icarus sighed and shut the screen off then, reminding himself to breathe as he laid his head against the window.

The slight shaking from the trains movement calmed him in some odd sense and he felt himself slip back into sleep.

And because luck was on his side, he woke up 10 minutes before his stop and he was too tired to feel any nerves that screamed at him that this was a stupid idea.

He could ignore those thoughts, especially when the familar head of orangey-red shouted his name and ran towards him, nearly knocking him to the ground as he laughed and picked her up, spinning the two in a circle before setting her down.

"Fuck, it's been too long since I've seen your gorgeous face, Tay."

Taylor laughs and shakes her head, breaking from the hug first to kiss Icarus on the cheek and allow him to throw an arm over her shoulder.

"Same goes for your sweet face!"

The two share a laugh and damn it's been too long since they'd been able to do that without the distortion of a phone or headphone speaker.

It was far too easy for them to fall into step together as Taylor drags Icarus around the train station, excitedly talking about everything they had planned for the day.

"Please tell me we're at least going to get food. I'm starving!"

Taylor laughs and swings their arms lightly as they make it outside, twirling slightly so that she fully face him.

She had made sure he wouldn't run into anyone as they walked backwards.

"Well aren't you in luck, Rust, because I happen to know a very good bakery nearby that will give us free bagels because my father loves me!"

Icarus groans and shakeshis head.

"That nickname? Really?"

"Hey, you're the one that said I could still use it!"

It was true, as much as they didn't want to admit it.

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