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Note: I know I said I wouldn't make up a name for Ranboo at the beginning of this but I found a name I think works in the context of this fic. I'm in no way writing it as a speculation or anything about Ranboo's actual name or personal life, just made up and fictional.

The first night of Icarus staying with Ranboo was surprisingly comfortable.

After crashing on their couch, Icarus slept for maybe an hour before he woke up. They were only a little dazed and confused about his surroundings until they heard the unmistakeable sound of car seat headrest playing softly from another room.

A soft smile unmistakably graces their lips as they sit up, recognizing the song and moving their mouth to sing along as the drowsiness of freshly waking up  melted away.

After a moment he decided to stand up, wincing as his shoulder popped while stretching.

Slowly, Icarus made his way towards the noise.

Finding the source, he knocks softly on the door and waits for a response.

"Come in!"

Icarus does so, shuffling into the room and keeping eye contact with the floor.

"Ica! You're awake!"

"Yeah, body hates me, doesn't want to sleep anymore I guess."

Ranboo laughs quietly, a smile on his unmasked face which causes Icarus to smile in return. A small part of his brain wants to grab Ranboo's face gently with his hands but he refrains, instead sitting in the chair in front of Ran's desk.

"I'm sorry, honey, do you want to try to sleep on an actual bed, see if that will help?"

Icarus stutters, not expecting the pet name but gives in anyways and nodded tiredly, flopping onto the bed lazily next to Ran.

Rolling to his side so that their back was to Ranboo, Icarus folds himself comfortably into the blanket that the other had just been using and closes his eyes.

Not quite asleep, Icarus presses his head back enough he can see whatever it was that Ran was doing on their phone.

Giving him a toothy grin, Ran's eyes look down at Icarus, darting to his lips before making eye contact. Taking in a small breath, Icarus leans up and plants a quick peck to Ranboo's cheek, smiling with closed eyes when they land in their original spot.

This small sign of affection reassured Ran enough that they take the initiative to move closer to Icarus. They refrain from hugging him, not sure if he'd fallen asleep already or not and not wanting to scare him.

Apparently they hadn't needed to ask because Icarus gently pulled on his arms so that they held onto Icarus's waist, pressing his back into Ran's stomach.

Ranboo was careful to keep their head cautiously away from Icarus until he open his eyes. Something in them told him to let go for just this once.

In a moment the two had been cuddling, staring into the screen of Ranboo's mess of an instagram explore page and the next their lips met for a brief second.

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