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Tw/cw ; discussion of anxiety; description of stimming; dysphoric breakdown of sorts  at the end :)

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Icarus always dreaded the part of sleepovers where everyone had to part ways. Granted he'd hadn't been to very many sleepovers that weren't just a couple nights with their cousins but that still didn't mean he liked leaving.

The few times he'd been over at a friends for the he night, he would cry on the way home. The times he was at Taylor's were different, seeing as they were neighbors and could easily go over. But when it was some of his old friends living farther away it was a different story.

So now he sat in Tubbo's living room with a slight pout as the three younger teens played Mario kart.

Tommy and Ranboo were too busy yelling over each other to notice Icarus' silent sulking.

Tubbo, however, sat next to him and poked at his shoulder to get his attention.

"What, shortie?"

Tubbo pulled a face of disgust and shook his head.

"I was gonna ask why you're so sad but now I'm not because you just insulted me"

Icarus laughs and shakes his own head, poking Tubbo back before standing up and ruffling the brunette's hair. He has to dodge an arm and runs to use Ranboo as a human shield.

Ranboo obliges, laughing as Icarus wraps his arms around the taller's torso and buried their head into his back.

Tubbo still attempts to get payback and the next 20 minutes is filled with laughter and playful insults that make Icarus feel a lot better.

Of course that all comes to an end when him and Tommy have to catch the train back to their own town.

Icarus sleeps most of the train ride back and ignores his brother's concerned teasing, immediately throwing himself into his chair in his room the moment they get home.

He opens his usual tabs and sighs when he sees the clips of him stimming all over his twitter feed.

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The first clip Icarus encountered was at least 2 minutes long. It had been from a horror stream he had done around a week or two before with Ranboo, Angelina, and Sneeg. They were all watching different analog horror and arg videos chat would send in.

Icarus was grinning while Angel fake gagged at the exaggerated body horror.

"It's not THAT bad"

"That's because you're a fucking psycho who watched this shit for fun" Angel had quipped back.

Another video popped up and Icarus recognized it right away. It was none other than a daisy brown video.

They couldn't hold their excitement when Ranboo had pointed out it was Daisy Brown. They began gently slapping their face as they ranted about the arg.

What had made Icarus anxious about the clip was the words that had proceeded it.

Is Icarus autistic? This feels like he's mocking actual autistic people

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