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Tw ; 'underage' (as in American standards) drinking


Icarus has flown maybe once in his lifetime before. At least that he can remember.

It was when he was eight or nine and Taylor's family asked to bring him along on their vacation. He was given permission since it was only a weekend in Paris and he had been doing well in school that week.

So to say he was anxious was an understatement. He was pacing back and forth through the seating area while he waited, phone ringing as he was waiting on the other person to answer. He was flying over a few days earlier because he'd be meeting up with Angel and meeting it's family to stay with them since they lived in Missouri anyways.

"Thank god you finally picked up!"

"Ica? Are you okay you look like you're going to cry."

Icarus sighed and finally relaxed, slumping against a column and zoning out as Ranboo's voice filled his ears. He had on over-the head headphones that were black in hopes it'd deter weird strangers from trying to talk to him.

"I mean, not really? Casually having an anxiety attack in an airport but how are you, my wonderful sleepyhead!"

Icarus smiled as he heard rustling on the other side, meaning Ranboo was moving.

"Why are you there so early, isn't your flight at 9?"

Icarus nodded, forgetting this wasn't a video call. Still, he closes his eyes briefly as he leans his head back against the column.

"Yeah but my parents wanted to take me to see me off, Tom drank like two of my energy drinks so he could say bye to me, and they all like being to places way earlier then they need to be."

"I feel bad for them, they have to deal with Tommy on crack"

Icarus snickers, sitting back up and waving at the toddler that stared into his soul.

"Nah, he'll probably crash within an hour."

"That's still an hour with his energy"

"I still can't believe he turned down the invite. He's a bitch"

Ranboo laughs, his voice still edging on sleepy but more awake than when Icarus had first called.

"Don't call your brother a bitch, he's more of a raccoon"

Icarus laughs again, the conversation going silent as he realized how tired he was and the distinct lack of dread in his chest.

"Huh, weird"


"I think you just cured my anxiety attack"


"You know what I mean!"

Ranboo's laugh was all the reassurance Icarus needed as he stood up. Grabbing his wallet from his carry on, he made his way over to buy some overpriced airport coffee.

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