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Tw/cw : jealousy ; anxiety; mentions of not feel enough ; talk of abandonment (Tommy being dramatic and joking but Icarus takes it heart)


It had been about a month after the whole 'dyphoric breakdown in his bathroom at 4am' thing had occurred and while neither brother brought it up, Icarus could tell Tommy knew and wanted to talk about it.

Icarus' sudden reluctance to hang out with everyone in person also didn't help his case.

But really, he couldn't bring himself to tell Tommy he couldn't hang out with everyone when he'd get home and his brain would pick apart every single thing they had that he didn't.

The envy and jealousy would rise like a burning heat and they'd be in a grumpy mood for the entirety of the time he was around others.

It was particularly bad when Tommy and him had agreed to sit in on Lake's band's practice.

Ash was showing them how to play a certain chord on bass when Icarus briefly looked over at Lake.

Lake was sitting on the couch with his phone in his hands presumably reading something, lips curled up in an amused smile as he leaned over to show Tommy whatever it was he'd been looking at.

Icarus wasn't quite sure what it was about the interaction but all he knew was that it hurt and he immediately felt frustration grow in his chest as he lost focus of whatever he was doing.

Leave it to Tommy to notice the shift in the air and catch his brother's glare.

He was staring down Lake with burning hatred and if Tommy didn't know better he'd say Icarus was trying to burn a hole through the dishwater blonde's sweater.

"Icar? You alright?"

Snapping out of whatever jealousy fueled trance he'd been in, Icarus shrugs and picks up the small backpack he had brought with him.

"Yeah, just gonna get some air"

Tommy nodded and shrugged at Lake as he gave the blonde a questioning smile.

Icarus sighed heavily as he left the rehearsal studio, stepping out onto the street with relief that there was many people milling about.

Needing the moment to clear his head, he walked in a somewhat random direction and ending up walking to a convenient shop.

Picking through several isles aimlessly, Icarus grins widely when he spots a shelf of mood rings and necklaces with different fake crystal charms. Running his fingers over a couple of the smoother looking ones, Icarus couldn't keep the smile off his face.

He grabbed two of them, last minute grabbing an energy drink for himself and a coke for his brother, he headed to the counter.

Before he fully left to pay, something else caught his eye. The boxes had obviously been moved from their designated place but when Icarus grabbed them to look closer, the price had still been noted on the bottom.

A little change wouldn't hurt, right?


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