Chapter 15 (New)

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The next morning I wake up to someone shaking me roughly awake and I know that it's Cameron even before I open my eyes

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The next morning I wake up to someone shaking me roughly awake and I know that it's Cameron even before I open my eyes. I bat her away but she continues to say my name over and over and start shaking me harder with each time. Finally I can ignore her no longer no matter how much I wish I could so I moan crack a sleepy eye open.

"What?" I ask groggy and not fully able to see since I'm still very sleepy, there's a piece of hair in my face and the morning sun shines through the window and blinds me.

"Get up, sleepyhead," Cameron says, "We're all going on a hike through the forest to try and find the overhang that's supposed to be a secret spot or something and Trish is going to show us where it is."

"Well, how about you go find it," I start, "and then come back to tell me about it in an hour or so." I pull the blanket over my head and curl up in a ball, hoping Cameron will leave me alone to get some more rest. But of course, the world doesn't work like that and she just rips the blanket off of me completely before hitting me very hard with one of her pillows. I jump up at the impact and she continues to beat me with the pillow all over until I start struggling out of bed.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I tell her shielding myself and tripping all the way to the bathroom to try and get away from her. I shut the door before she's able to get another hit in and lock it just in case she tries breaking in.

"You're a maniac, you know that?" I tell her through the door, rubbing the sore spots on my arms where she hit me.

"That's what I've been told," Cameron calls back. "Hurry up! We'll be waiting for you by the lake in the forest." I hear her walk away from the door and hear the click of the door as she leaves to go find the girls. I roll my eyes at her absolute insanity and get dressed since I'm already up and might as well actually go meet them like I actually made Cameron believe. Battered and bruised, but very much awake. I quickly change into a pair of shorts, a thin t-shirt to keep cool and throw on a hoodie in case I get cold on the hike. I quickly make up my bed and throw my hair up in a braid before I finally make it out of the cabin and start walking towards the forest, taking my sweet time getting there just to spite Cameron in my own little way. I'm a little ways away from the lake when I notice a familiar face hiding behind a big tree, his eyes locked on something behind me. Kyle doesn't notice me walking in his direction so I take the opportunity to sneak up on him and I quiet my pace and crouch a little as I get closer to him. His face looks seriously terrified of whatever he's looking at so I'm able to get right behind him with his concentration elsewhere.

"Boo!" I say loudly jumping at him and I burst out laughing when he screams and almost falls to the ground, grasping at the tree to hold him up.

"Are you trying to give me another stroke?" He says breathing hard at the scare. I'm still trying to stop laughing when he quickly starts batting at me to keep quiet and pulls me closer behind the tree, forcing my to duck with him with his eyes still focused on something ahead.

"Mind explaining why you're hiding behind a tree like the Slenderman?" I ask still giggling a little.

"Technically, he disguises himself to look like the tree," he points out. "And I'm not hiding. I'm simply . . . being secretive about my location."

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