Chapter 1

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3erd person Pov.
*Elizabeth narrating currently*

i was standing behind the sofa talking to my mother the night before my 5th birthday.
I was looking at all the gifts that my mother had set out for the next morning.
My best friend Henry was going to be there for my birthday, and I was beyond excited.

"Mum! Can I please open my presents now?!" I, Elizabeth said jumping up and down.
"No sweetheart you cannot, you have to wait until tomorrow. If you don't Henry will miss out on seeing you open then" my mother said looking at me while pulling me onto her lap.
"Awwww, fine. I'm only waiting because of Henry." I said looking at my mother with a large smile on my face because we where talking about Henry.

I have had a crush on Henry for quite a long time now, since I where around 9 my crush had started, and now I are 12. Henry had always seemed to make me smile, he was smart, very good looking and he was also funny. The only thing that creeped me out was the creepy smile he shows me sometimes when he wants to scare me. It seems like he is a evil Villain from my favourite comics.

I sighed as i got up and went to my room window to see if Henry was in his room, to my liking he was in his room waiting for me to come to my window.

"Henry! It's my birthday tomorrow!!" I said smiling happily while waving to him
"I know it is! I'm so excited to give you your present!!" He said smiling "you can come over to my house if you would like" he said scratching his arm.
"Let me ask my mum real quick" I said as I quickly ran down stairs to my mother.
"Mum may I please go to Henry's house for a bit?" I asked her
"Hm, you can but you have to be back by 9 or you lose a birthday gift" she said looking at her watch then at me
"YES! Thankyou mum!" I said hugging her than running up stairs getting my socks on.
"I can come over!" I said smiling while standing up and getting my shoes.

I shut my window since it was starting to rain, I went over to my wardrobe mirror and brushed my hair and made it look nice. I went down stairs to my living room and went out the door.

it was now poring down with rain at this point, i put my hands over my head trying to protect myself from the rain, it didn't work well. I walked on the path to Henrys house, i would've taken my bike but i was to excited to think about it so now i was walking in the rain. I look up to see Henry standing out the front of the house waiting for me with a smile.
"Lizzy!! hey!!" he said waving with a smile, I waved back and smiled at him, i started to speed walk over to him.
He walked off the porch and walked over to he stood in the rain and smiled. "Henry, get out of the rain you will catch a cold" i said starting to run over to him and then standing next to him.

"i will be fine, we should probably head inside" he said turning to go inside. I nodded and followed him. When we guys got inside i saw his mother Virginia cooking some cookies, I waved at her while I took my coat of and put it on the coat rack.

"Lizzy sweetie! your drenched, come here i will go get you some of Alices clothes just go wait in the bathroom and i will be right back" His mother said running upstairs to his sisters clothes.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see my hair very wet, i looked around for a towel to use. Once i found one I grabbed it and started to dry my hair. after a few minutes I saw Virginia come in with a new dress for me to wear.

She left the bathroom and I shut the door, i took off all my wet clothes and i put on the dress. I grabbed all my wet clothes and put them in the towel that i dried my hair with then i opened the door and went down stairs to see Henry watching telly. His mother came over to me and grabbed the towel with my wet clothes in it and she put them in a nice bag for me.

I went over to the sofa and sat next to henry who was staring at the telly until i came over and sat next to him.

"That dress looks nice on you." he said smiling at me before he got up and went over to the table and got me a wrapped box, and then he gave it to me. "open it" he said looking me."shouldn't I wait until tomorrow?" I said looking at the box then him"No, open it" he said looking at me and smiling. I nodded and opened it to see a nice ruby necklace that had my first letter of my name on it.

"woah, can you help me put it on?" I said looking at him.

"of course" he said grabbing it from my hands and then going around me to put it on. I look down at it and saw the red shining on the necklace. "Thankyou Henry" I said smiling at him then hugging him.

After a hour of watching Tv, Drawing and reading books it ended up being 8:45 so you had to head home. I was disappointed but i got to see Henry and his family tomorrow.I grabbed the bag with the wet clothes and walked outside, before stepping into the rain i heard the door open. It was henry with an umbrella. "Take this" he said smiling at me while giving me the umbrella "thankyou, now i must go. See you tomorrow" I said opening the umbrella and then putting it on over my head and smiling at him.

"bye Lizzy" he said waving. I would wave back but I had a umbrella in one hand and a bag of clothes in the other. He understood that i couldn't wave so he smiled at me and went back inside.

I was walking on the side walk and i felt something on the back of my neck, it was felt like a spider was crawling on the back of your neck. I ignored it and kept walking to my house.

Once i got inside you closed the umbrella and hung it up on one of the racks. I went over to my mum and gave her the wet clothes. After I gave them to her I went up to my room and closed the curtains and got changed into some pjs to wear. Once i had got dressed I went over to my bed and grabbed a book to read. 'The Cat and the Hat' i smiled at the book. after i read a few pages of the book i was getting sleepy.

I put the book down on the table next to my bed and i felt my eyes shut into the darkness of my slumber.


This is my first ever story, actually my first story ever if :)

i really hope yall enjoy this i will post when ever i finish a chapter. But the times may be different since im Australian :D. I might start making edits of this story.

i really hope you guys enjoy this. their might be a new chapter later tonight acst (Australian Central Standard Time)

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