Chapter 7

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Lizzy pov:
Eleven of as laying on my lap fast asleep while I was sitting on the sofa of hoppers room.
While Eleven was sleeping hopper was giving me a lecture about not loving boys who lived in a lab for most of their life.

"Hopper?" I said looking at him
He looked at me stopping his lecture.
"Can I please go to the grave yard?" I said looking down at Eleven who clutched my shirt.

Hopper thought for a moment and nodded. "Tomorrow we will" he said picking up eleven and walking to your room and putting her on your bed.
" ok that's unfair. I live here and sleep in there!" I said getting up and walking over to hopper
"Shh!" He said to me while pushing me out of my room and shutting the door.
I sighed and sat back on the couch before I heard shuffling in my room. I ignored it and then I heard static.

I looked at wear hopper was and he was leaving for work.
I smiled and waited for him to leave.
Once he left I went into my room to see eleven with a blind fold on and static.
I looked around my room for a scarf and sat down while I wrapped it around my head.
I knew what el was doing cause I have done it once in the lab.
I looked up to see a large black room with el talking to Henry.
I pulled my blind fold off and walked out of the room getting some food from the kitchen.

I heard el come out of the room and look at me.
"Lizzy..." she said coming out of her room.
"Yeah?" I said acting like nothing happened.
"Please go back.." she said walking over to me and hugging me.
"He said that you guys where best friends when you were younger" she said looking at me.
My eyes widened in surprise
He never called me friend when where younger.

I saw eleven flickering in sight, I knew what she as doing because of papa showing me about it.

I closed my eyes and looked around to see Eleven standing in the dark room looking at me.

"I'm so sorry el. I-I just wanted to protect you, and by doing that I lost my best friend, and you" I said telling her the honest truth.

"She was crying on the way back. You really hurt her.." she said walking up to me.
"Please, ask her to come back and talk.." I said "She means so much to me." Was the last thing I said before eleven disappeared.

Next day:
Lizzy 3rd person pov:
She was in the car with hopper driving to her mothers grave sight.
"You going to be alright?" He asked pulling up.
"Yeah.. but after I need to go back to the lab" she said getting out of the car
"See you shortly" you said shutting the door and walking over to your mothers grave.

You sighed and put some flowers on the grave.
"Hey mum.." you said sitting down
"I really loved him"  you said looking down. "I missed him, I finally found him and I trusted him and he does that"

You sighed and you got after a few minutes of sitting down and talking to your mother, you went over to hoppers car and sat down and told hopper about what you said.

Like before you told hopper to go to the lab again and he did as you asked. He knew full well if he didn't do something you asked him to do you could kill him, or even go there your self. So you didn't hesitate to go.
After minutes of waiting to get to the lab you finally arrived. You got out of the car and smiled at hopper and left.
The lab has been emptied in a day so much was left of only tools and furniture.
You walked in the hospital and went to the place where the kids got tested and saw Henry sitting down in a corner reading books looking upset.

"Friend?" You said walking in the room and standing there, it looked a lot cleaner from last time, no dead kids just broken glass, toys and Henry.

"Lizzy Your back" he said getting up and walking over to you.

"I thought you died years ago! And here you are murdering children!" You said walking away from him but not leaving the room.
"Lizzy I thought you where dead" he said throwing his hands up "don't play that 'dead' card when you knew that i was fine" he said
"But I didn't know that you where fine." You said looking at the broken mirror. "But anyways, whoever thought whoever was dead is wrong."
"I want to know why. Why you killed those kids" you said poking a finger into his chest.
"I killed them because most of them where going to kill eleven" he said papa said he was gonna make them try and kill eleven" he said turning around and looking in the broken mirror and at your sad face.
"We should probably go back to my house" you said walking out of the room
"Yes you can come as well" you said walking while Henry followed.

Once you guys got in the back seat you saw him smile at you and tap your leg while holding out a hand.
You hesitated for a second but you grabbed his cold hand.

You looked out the window while hopper drove off and you told him about what happened.

Lizzy pov.

Once we got back to hoppers house, hopper made the little cabin shed out in the back yard into a little bedroom for Henry so he wouldn't share a room with me. While hopper was doing that me, eleven and Henry where talking about what happened and why Henry did it.
Eleven understood and forgave him and I did the same.

"Lizzy.. I'm getting tired" eleven said hugging my arm.
"Well than I shall tell you a story, a nice one. Now go lay down In my bed" i said with a smile, eleven let go of my arm and went into the room.

I got up and Henry stayed sitting on the couch, Hopper had got Henry some of his clothes. They where really baggy on Henry but he didn't seem to mind, he said 'as long as I'm out of those white ass clothes'

I went into my room to see el trying to keep her eyes open. I smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed and held her hand.

"Well, one time ago there was a boy, a sweet sweet boy. He had no friends except this one girl" i said looking at all my drawings.
"This girl, made him very happy" I heard Henry say walking in the room and sitting next to me. "Until something bad happened to both the kids" he said
I grabbed his hand and smiled
"The girl finally found the boy and she saw a beautiful blond boy with blue eyes, the boy did something the girl didn't like and she got upset and left." I  said
"The boy was upset that she left and the next day she came back" we looked at el to see she was asleep.
We smiled and got up and turned the light of and left

I grabbed his hand and hugged him.
"I missed you. So much" I said feeling tears fill my eyes.

"I missed you to lizzy" he said hugging me back.

enjoy this guys.
Hope y'all have a good night or good day 😊❤️

Bai bai

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