Chapter 14

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Peter pov:
I turned around to see what eleven was pointing to and I saw Lizzy flickering.

I knew what she was doing because papa has taught the kids how to do it and I learnt when he taught.

I quickly sat on Lizzys bed and I closed my eyes.
I appeared into the darkness of the void.

I looked up to see Lizzy.
She was standing in front of me.

She waved, waved back.

"Lizzy, I can see you. Where are you?" I asked

"..... Lab. California Lab, underground" she said as she went to reach to me.
I held my hand out as she held hers out to me.

"I will get you out of there" i said as I grabbed her hand and she disappeared.

I opened my eyes and shot up,
I ran out to hopper and I was shaking.
"I KNOW WHERE LIZZY IS!" I said as I ran in front of hopper.
hopper quickly got up and grabbed the keys.

"You get Eleven, and I will get the car started" he said running and going to get his shoes on.

I put quickly went into hoppers room and grabbed some of his olds shirts and pants and put it on. I went into Lizzys room got eleven. I picked her up and went into the car where Hopper was waiting.

I put eleven into the back seat, and I sat in the front. On the way to the lab I was giving hopper directions to go in. We stopped a few times at places to get drinks and food. Eleven tasted egos for the first time ever. he now has a obsession over them even though she has just tasted them.

We ended up getting to the middle of the desert, it had the little entrance to the place.

Once we parked near the lab,  me and Hopper got all of the stuff out of the back of the car.
Hopper grabbed guns and I was just holding knives on me just in case Lizzy is trapped with ropes around her wrists.

Eleven was gonna help us with her power.

I moved my hand upwards while walking over to the entrance.
I opened the door and we all entered.

We had to look around for a door, but then we realised that it was just a elevator we had to go through.

"Well you guys are dumb" eleven said pressing the button.
I chuckled "your the smart ass 4 year old here" I said picking her up and putting her on my shoulders

"LETS FIND MUMMY!" She said moving her hands and then accidentally breaking something.
We stepped into the elevator which was really big for some reason.

Once we got to the bottom of the elevator the door opened and we saw 4 guards standing there
I tilted my head and the necks broke and they were also thrown into the wall.

Hopper looked at me and I just shrugged.
I put eleven down and held her hand.
We where walking through the hallways while walking there where doors with numbers.
020, 021, 022, 023, 024,

I knocked on the door endlessly.
Knocking on it I heard the door unlock and open slightly.

"Peter?" I heard Lizzy say

"Elizabeth!" I said letting go of elevens hand and hugging Elizabeth tightly. 

 I put my hands on her cheeks, our foreheads touched. I felt tears trickle down my hands. She was crying. "how did you find me? how did you get past the guards here?" she said 

"i also had powers when i was a kid? and we had your dad here to help.. anywas Its ok, your safe now. I will find Brenner and Eleven will end him" I said while moving my thumb up and down on her cheek.

"no, dont kill put him jail" she said. 

"well that is possible, your father is here. with all his police gear and stuff." i said.

she looked for hopper and a smiled and then it disappeared within a instant.

she pulled away from me and walked over to hopper moving her hand up purple magic flowed through her hand. Hopper went straight into the wall.

"YOU! YOU COULDNT EVEN SAVE ME!" she said turning her hand.

"AND NOW LOOK WHERE I AM" Elizabeth said before a shot of magic shot out her arm into hoppers stomach causing him to fall to the ground.

she put her arm down and then looked at it in panic. She knew something was wrong, but she could quite figure it out.

she turned to look at me in fear. I quickly grabbed Eleven and ran over to hopper and put eleven down next to him. 

eleven was checking if hopper was alright while i ran over to Elizabeth holding her shoulders.

"its ok, its ok, dont worry. dont worry about, dont worry about us. dont worry about anything. just calm." I said

"She cant controll currently. she have to stay here and learn how to controll it." i heard a familiar voice say.

i looked behind 002 and i saw brenner standing there with his hands behind his back with a evil smile.

"i will never let you touch her again even if it means it the last thing i do." i said letting go of lizzys shoulders and walking over to brenner.

Brenner knew that i could end him in within seconds of tilting my head.

"fine fine, take her!" brenner said holding his hands up. i turned to see Elizabeth collapsed on the ground.

i quickly went over to her and tried shaking her. her eyes opened up a smiled.

"magic over use" she said with a chuckle

"brenner said that you cannot controll your power yet?" i asked

"he is right, now you need to get hopper out of here" she said getting up and then walking in the other direction. She lifted her hand and threw it to the side and brenner following after.

"move asshole." she said walking, He hips swaying while walking. she was a goddess. i swear she is.

I watched her walk off into the distance. i turned around and went over to eleven and picked her up then i helped hopper out "you good?" 

"yeah, just we gotta get out of here.." he said

hopper was able to walk by himself so he did while i held eleven while walking

Lizzy Pov:

They had came to save me. Peter saved me. Da- hopper saved me.

i was walking down the hallway going into the room they have made. According to the books of this place itself is can blow up, and there is the key to all the tests.

i walked into the room to see a large circle wall. was a bit confused of what it was, but i wasnt looking for that. i was looking for this key thingy.

as i was looking around i felt something go into my back. I screamed and all of my magic exited me at.  It was painful. 

screaming in pain, my magic hit the large circle wall and the alarms went off. and i knew i had just did something bad

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