chapter 6

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Henry Pov.

I walked out of my room feeling a little off. I had to look happy for the children. Papa had planned for all the kids to face each other, and he told a few to try and kill Eleven if they versed her.

Once i entered the rainbow room I saw eleven practicing moving things. I smiled softly and walked over to her. I sat down next to her and smiled. She was concentrating incredibly hard to make the thing move with her mind, but it wouldn't move.

"You know..." i said grabbing the toy out of her hand.

"you remind me of someone, someone i used to know really well." i said looking

"Can you guess who that is?" i said smiling and placing the toy at the number '2'

"two?" Eleven said "but papa said they didnt ex-" she said before i cut her off

"exist i know" i said looking at eleven in the eyes.

"sometimes, papa doesn't tell the truth..." i said looking at her.

she looked at me surprised and then we heard the door open. we saw it was papa. Eleven quickly got up and lined up.

Lizzy pov

I opened my eyes to see i wasn't in my room, i was in the living room. I knew what happened. Every bit. it wasnt new to me, its happened before. It was one time i tried to escape.

I miss henry, i feel bad i couldn't save him. I knew that he is probably confused about why im not there saving him.

I lifted myself upwards to look if dad was around, to my surprise he was siting on the single arm chair watching television. I saw him look over at me with a smile, He got up and walked over to me.

"How you feeling kiddo?" He said looking at me.

"im doing ok, my leg is just sore." i said looking up at him and smiling. I could feel my eyes starting to fill. I honestly had no idea, but i think it was the thought Henry.

I felt Da-hoppers arms go around me. I felt my body freeze up, and then i hugged him back and sobbed.

"im sorry" i said on repeat. Im a 25 year old baby i thought to myself.

"shh, kid its alright. Its alright, i dont care that you tried to leave anymore, I now know why you wanted to" He said pulling away "I told our department about it and they think i should do something about it" he said with a comforting smile

I looked up and heard a knock at our door. I looked at hopper and he looked at me.

i went over to the door and opened it. "hel- ELEVEN?!" i said pulling her inside.

"You shouldn't be here! did they follow you?! why are you here!" i said asking her a ton of questions

"i go back after i give you this" she said giving me a piece of paper i opened the paper and it read

' Lizzy, i saw what happened, i sent Eleven to give this to you. but she must come back. But if you have told the police about this, thankyou, certain kids need to leave others can die -Love Peter'

i smiled and felt heat at the end of the note i looked up to tell eleven but she was gone.

"shit" i said putting the note in my pocket. I walked over to hopper and sat down.

Eleven pov.
Once I got back to the lab, I went though the tunnel Peter helped me go through. Peter was waiting for me to come back Until we heard people coming. I looked at Peter and we both didn't know what to do. I ran the opposite way and went to the hallway I saw people running to me until I saw them fly into the wall.

I turned to see Peter with his hand in the air. I looked at him with a surprised look, but he just grabbed my arm and went into a closest.

"W-when when could you do that?!" I said
"Where alike" he said smiling and then pulling up his sleeve showing me the number
I looked up at him "but papa said he didn't exis-" I said
"Sometimes papa lies" he said smiling
"I need you to wait here" he said. I nodded and watched him leave.

Henry pov
I left Eleven in the closet and I went to go find the kids that where gonna kill el, I cracked my knuckles as I walked into the rainbow room.
I looked at all of the kids who tried to kill el.

I smiled and held my hand out and they got lifted upwards. I saw the blood poor out of their eyes and ears.

10 mins later of Peter murdering kids🤭

I stood standing at the glass mirror and I wiped my nose from the blood. I heard the door open and I turned to see eleven gasp
"I asked you to wait" I said Turing to look at her.

She shook her head repeatedly
"I brought lizzy here.." she said opening the door and to my surprise lizzy was actually there.

Lizzy held her hand up and pushed me into the glass with her magic


I could feel my air leave my lungs.
"L-lizzy P-please let me explain" I said gasping for air
"They weren't innocent! P-papa was planning on making them k-kill el!" I said before lizzy let go of me.
"What" lizzy said looking at me
"I'm sorry lizzy" I said getting off the floor.

Lizzy turned around and walked off with elevens hand her hand.
I sighed and put my head on the wall.

"Lizzy! Please don't leave" I said yelling down the hallway.
I got no reply, I knew they had left.

Lizzy pov.
Me and eleven walked over to hoppers car that was waiting at the front. I picked up el and put her in the back seat.

I could feel the tears flooding in my eyes. But I quickly shut the door to the back seat and went to the front seat next to hopper and looked out the window with tears falling out of my eyes.

I loved him


I KNOW THIS IS A LATE AND VERY SHIT CHAPTER! But I'm so sleepy from school today and it's freezing rn. It's like 9 degrees 🥲

Anyways goodnight or good day where ever you are

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