Chapter 17

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3 years later~
Eleven age= 8
Peter and Elizabeth's age- 27


Peter Pov:

For the past week or two Eleven as been asking me to marry Elizabeth.

I was considering the suggestion at this point, My love for Elizabeth was out of the roof. we have been together for 3 years now.

since that night we kissed, and that we started dating i had loved her. so much. Like if she was gonna die from something i would let it murder me instead of her. I would put my own life in danger for that woman. She is also good in bed.

Speaking of 'being good in bed' Elizabeth had been wanting a child so Eleven wasn't alone all the time and being a only child. I liked that idea but we hadn't asked Eleven if she wants a sibling yet.

We had bought a home for us now, we live all together in Hawkins, Elizabeth has a job now and so do I, Eleven has been attending school now, she seems to fit in well. according to her she has many friends. We found out elevens name is Jane, but we call her Eleven at home and the school calls her 'Jane'.

"Dad!!" I heard Eleven say running down the hall way with a sheet of paper in her hand and a pen in the other hand

"Yes eleven?" i asked her turning to look at her. I was standing in the kitchen cooking some dinner for the family when Lizzy comes home from work, I had the day off today since i had been working for a month straight out of town.

"Can you sign this?" she said running over to me and then putting the paper in my hands.

i nodded and signed it, she was smiling happily. "where you going?" i asked her as i gave back the paper to her and she ran off into her room

"Im going to the Lab! it got abandoned a few years ago when Mum left it" she said

I was stunned when she said it "y-your going back? what if there are people you know there? what if they know you!?" i said walking into her room

"You cant go!" i said grabbing the paper off her and then walking into the kitchen. "Remember el, You have powers, your mother and others don't. Who knows maybe your power might get randomly activated like your mothers did when we saved her" i said before i heard the front door open then close.

"Im home!" I Heard lizzy say while putting her bags down.

"MUM!" El said with a smile and then running up to her.

"hey sweetheart" she said to El. "Hello Love, what ever your making smells lovely" she said looking at me with a smile.

"Im just making Apricot chicken dear, El asked for it when i picked her up today" i said turning around to see Lizzy standing behind me. I smiled and kissed her softly, She kissed me back. "any powers back?" i asked her

"nothing yet, but i have an idea. what if we put me in danger? like i go somewhere and i get in danger" she said with a smile

"...Hm, Well. You can go work in russia where some battles are happening i think" i said as i dished up the Apricot chicken.

El wandered over to the table and sat down and Elizabeth did the same. I brought over all 3 plates like a master of dishing up food, and i set them down for all of us.

El was eating happily as she talked about her day, Lizzy was listening carefully to Els day and i just though about work tomorrow.

once we had all finished eating it was around 5:09pm, I Decided that i would go out shopping for a ring since El wanted to spent "mother daughter" time.

So later around 5:30pm i arrived to the ring shop and i was now just picking one out. I was thinking of all the times that me and Lizzy had talked about rocks and stuff but nothing about her favourite gem came to my mind. Untill i thought about the necklace.

Ruby ring


"Hello, may I please have that ruby ring?" I said pointing at the ring I saw in the box.
"Of course, it will be 349.00$ please" the woman said as she got out the ring "who's the lucky lady?" She said with a smile as i handed her the money.
"Her name is Elizabeth, and we have been together for 3 years now, and my daughter wants us to get married. And I also want to" I said getting passed the ring " Thankyou" I said
"Hope everything goes well" she said with a smile
I nodded and I left the ring shop and then drove back home.
I opened the door to see Lizzy asleep on the couch and Elizabeth reading her a story.
"It's 7:00?, where have you been?" She said worried "you where out for an hour!" She said

"Darling don't worry don't worry, come here please." I said walking over to the dining room.
I honestly thought this was the perfect time for it.

I took a breath in and I went down on one knee. I held both of Elizabeth's hands in mine and smiled.
"Elizabeth May, You have been in my heart since day one I met you.
Your beautiful smile has lit up my world every time I see it. I loved you so much when we where children and I still do.
I will protect you with all my life even if it means I lose my power" I said pulling out the ring "Elizabeth may, you are beautiful, will you marry me?" I asked her

She was crying while holding a hand over her mouth "yes yes I will marry you Petter Ballard or Henry Creel what ever name you like." She said while crying happily.
I put the ring on her finger and kissed her.

"I love you so much Elizabeth" I said smiling while kissing her
"I love you more" she said
I heard a noise from the living room and then we saw El standing there pretending to be sick.

"El, me and your mum are getting married" I said said with a smile.
Els eyes opened widely.
"WHAT REALLY?!" she said running over and hugging us both
"Best mum and dad ever" she said muffled into my shirt.

Me and Lizzy put El to bed and El fell asleep instantly. I knew what was going through my mind and Elizabeth's mind.

We ran into the bed room and he shut the door and then pinned me against the wall, he was kissing me.
We headed over to the bed as he un buttoned my shirt and then pulling it off and then doing the same to the rest of my clothing, taking them off and then throwing it across the room.
He pinned me against the bed and I unbuttoned his shirt as he kissed me so many times-
And then there was a lot of interesting stuff that happened after.

How ever much time later

He laid next to me breathing heavily, I also breathing Heavily.
"Hey darling?" He said holding my hand
"Yeah?" I said turning my head to look at him
"Uh we may have forgotten something important" he said
"What did you forget?" I said looking at him with a confused expression

"Uh..... Starts with a C ends with a M?" He said getting up and getting some underwear on and opening the door.
I hid myself under the covers as he went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.
"C and M.. C and M c and- WE FORGOT A CONDOM!" I said In a panic
"Yup prepare for some magical child darling" he said walking back into our room.
"H-huh!? In the next week if I'm sick- i blame you" I said getting up and walking into the bathroom quickly and then jumping in the shower.
Peter followed me as we both went in the shower.

"Well, if you do become pregnant, do you wanna tell El straight away?" He asked me while he put his arms around my body.
Our bare skin touching while showering just calmed me down a lot.
"I mean, i guess we can tell her" I said kissing him
"Well, I hope we do have a child because it will come out beautiful like my wife" he said with a smile.

"I love you Peter" i said with a smile.
"I love you to Elizabeth" he said kissing my fore head



I wrote some spice for y'all even though I have no idea how to write it.

But I love you guys and goodnight or good day where ever the f- you guys are

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