chapter 15

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Peter Pov.

we where at the car now and hopper was getting in while i was buckling in eleven

i heard a large noise, as i turned to see what it was i saw a large explosion happen where the lab was.

I quickly ran to where the explosion was. I didnt care if i was gonna get hurt or not, but i was worried about Lizzy.

As i was sprinting i saw a large purple light coming from the bottom of the hole that has just been made.

the explosion was finished but it was all dusty and hot. As i went down to go to the purple light i was looked down to see Lizzy screaming while holding her chest. Her body was letting out all of the purple magic that was inside her.
I went to go walk over to her but the magic shot me away from her.
I saw her head slightly turn to look at me slowly.
I mouthed to her 'you are going to be ok'
She closed her eyes and she dropped the the ground very little magic was coming out of her body now.

I ran over to her and I went to touch her but the magic shocked my hand
"Shit" I said before I sat down next to her.
Once I sat next to her for around 20 mins, I heard a car driving over,
I knew it was Hopper and eleven so I continued to sit down.
The magic was fading away, so I placed my hand onto her head and played with her hair. I heard feet running behind us.
"Are you two ok?!" I heard Hopper say.
"Yeah, I'm ok but I'm not sure about Lizzy.." I said looking down to her.
"Her magic was leaving her" I said looking at her back and seeing something in it.
I grabbed it and I looked at it turning it slowly.
"Hm, I know this dart," I said throwing it away.
I picked up Lizzy and I held her in my arms.
Hopper picked up eleven since eleven was about to pass out cause she was falling asleep.

We where walking to the car and we decided to put eleven in the front seat for the trip back home since we need me to sit in the back.
I put Lizzy down and her head was laying on my lap, She was still out cold.
We got to a fuel station and Hopper got out to get a drink for all of us.

I felt lizzy move a little bit, I looked down to see her eyes opening.

"Hello darling," I said looking down at her.
She gave me a soft smile "hello" she said very quietly.
"Hopper is getting us a drink and eleven is fast asleep" I said
"Are you ok?" I asked her

She nodded "yeah, just feel drained"she said reaching for my hand.
I put my hand in hers and she smiled.
"Thankyou," she said "Thankyou for saving Me" she said with a smile.
"Of course, no need to thank me" I said with a smile
"Peter?" She said looking at me
"I-I like you a lot.." she said quietly
"Well I like you to" I said.

She sat up and sat on the other side of the car, her hands was still inlaced with mine.
"Well, lizzy.... Would you like, to be my uh-" I said before Hopper got in the car
"Hello Lizzy, how was your sleep" he asked her and giving her a drink and also giving me a drink.

I opened the bottle of water and sat there drinking it while lizzy was talking to Hopper.

After a good 20 minutes we arrived back to hoppers house and it was nighttime now. We all got out of the car.
Lizzy had to get help out of the car so I went over to her side and grabbed her hand, and then I put my arm around her waist and she put her arm around my neck.
Hopper went to get eleven, eleven almost woke up when he got her but she stayed asleep.

Hopper put eleven into the spare room they have in their house.
Lizzy went to go sit down on the couch, she was still in her outfit she had at the lab and it was freezing.

"Lizzy?" I asked her once I put her down on the couch
"Yeah?" She said looking at me with a sweet look.
"Would you like me to get you some clothes?" I asked her looking at her with a smile.
"Yes please," she said as she tried to get comfortable on the couch.
I walked over to her room and went into the top draw and opened it , I saw the red locket shining in the light. I smiled and grabbed it out, I couldn't believe that she still had it.

I grabbed some pjs for her to wear, I grabbed her some socks and then I went out and gave them to her.

She smiled and thanked me, she took off the dress, I quickly covered my eyes with my hands.
She had a bra on, and her panties on.
Her ribs where very much showing, her stomach small, her arms had lines all over them,she looked so weak, but with the dress on she look normal.
I opened my eyes when she told me I could.
I looked at her with a smile and she did the same.
"Would you like anything to eat?" I asked her.
She nodded "eggos? We got some cause of eleven" I said walking over to the kitchen
"Yes please" she said quietly.
"You saw them didn't you?" She asked quietly
"Hm?" I said putting the eggos into the toaster
"You saw them?" She said looking at me.
"Saw what?" I said sitting next to her.
"My ribs.." she said "I look weak.." she said looking down.
"No no I didn't see them I promise love" I said holding her hands
"No need to lie, it's alright." she said squeezing my hands.
I stayed silent as she figured out I knew.
"Lots of bad stuff happened to me there. But I'm alright" she said
I heard the toaster pop. I quickly got up and put them on a plate and then put some toppings on.
I walked over to lizzy and I gave them to you.
"Here you go lov-" I said before getting cut of by a kiss from her.

Her lips soft a the water, they where cold but that was understandable it's freezing.
I put the eggos on the table and I put my hands on her cheeks.

"HEY HEY! 3 INCHS MINIMUM GUYS!" We heard Hopper say as we broke from the kiss. She started to giggle while I smiled at her.
Hopper was standing at the hallway entrance not looking happy with us

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