Chapter 22

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Season 3• 1 year later•


We left moved near mikes house so she can spend some more time with him.

She honestly loves spending time with Mike, she is almost never here anymore cause she is with Mike and her friends.

We've had Mike over a bunch and dad honestly doesn't like it. He has a rule "3 centimetres or inches open" when Mike is over at dads house. We don't have that rule at our house.

Currently Mike is over at our house with eleven up in her room. Which we don't really mind what they are doing unless something weird aka kissing or- the s word.

3rd person eleven pov:

Eleven and Mike where kissing like any old 13 year olds would. They where listing to music while kissing as elevens parents sat down stairs with her brother.

"And nobody wants to know you now" Mike sung as eleven danced along "nobody wants to show you-"

"Mike!" El said as she placed her hands on mikes mouth "Mike stop! Stop!" As he continued

"So if your lost and on your own!!"

"Mike! Stop!" Eleven said as mike held her hands as he continued to sing "mike mike!" She said starting to laugh "stop!"

"You can never surrender!" Mike sung while he moved elevens hands while singing

"Stop!" Eleven said as she smiled happily

"What you don't like it?" Mike asked with a smile

"No!!" El said shaking her head and they continued to kiss after that.

Henry went up the stairs and knocked on the door and then opened it slightly to see el and Mike kissing

"Hey!" Henry said as eleven shut her door with her mind.

"Hey!" Henry said as he knocked on the door continuously and then it opening a little bit to show them reading a book.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked with a smile as eleven looked at Henry with a smirk


"It was like a tomato!" Eleven said as she rolled on her bed talking to Mike through the walkie talkie.

"Yeah! A tomato with powers!" Mike said

"I wish I was still with you"eleven said as she laid on the bed

"I know, me too. But I'll see you tomorrow all right? First thing!" Mike said with a smile as he rode his bike to the mall.

"Tomorrow...." Eleven said with a smile

"Eleven!! Dinner!!" Lizzy called as their home went out of electricity.

Lizzy used her magic to light up the candles with her magic.

"That should work" Lizzy said as she served dinner and the lights turned back on.

"Now that was a waste of magic" Lizzy said rolling her eyes.

"Mmm! Thanks for dinner mummy" Carlos said as he ate with his hands.

"Thanks mama." Eleven said as she ate her food.

Henry sat down and kissed Lizzy with a smile "it's lovely, Thankyou" Henry said

The next afternoon eleven left the home with her mother father, and brother to get dropped off at Dustin's house so they can surprise him for being home again.

Henry and Lizzy went to the pool with Carlos with the other of the party's mothers.

Henry and Carlos where in the pool, Henry and Carlos where wearing matching swimming shorts which Lizzy choose out.

Lizzy was sitting with the parents in her swim where while waiting for Henry to come out of the pool while the lady's where waiting for Billy to come out and be 'hot'.

"afternoon lady's" Billy said as he walked pass the lady's.

"Afternoon billy" they all said in unison.

"Dog the new suit, Mrs Creel" Billy said with a smile

"Thankyou" Lizzy said rolling her eyes.

Lizzy could see Karen staring at Billy from the corner of my eye and I honestly don't understand why.

I walked over to the entrance of the pool and went in. I swam over to Henry and Carlos and Carlos squealed happily when he saw me.

Henry through him up in the air and then blew raspberry's on his stomach making him laugh.

I smiled at him happily knowing this isn't a dream like the other life I lived.

Once we got home Eleven and Mike where on the couch watching Tv. Lizzy and Henry smiled as they walked in to see them happy.

"They look happy" Lizzy said quietly

"Yes they do" Henry said as Carlos squealed.

Eleven and Mike looked up at us and their faces tuned red.

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