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I nervously wait my turn to slide off the escalator and awkwardly try to find my cousin Shana. I see her waiting by the nearest exit. Her eyes widen as they meet mine. With my suitcases gripped in both hands, I stroll toward her.

"Hey," I say once I am in front of her. Without warning, Shana pulls me into a hug, holding me tight.

"I'm so happy you're here," She whispers. She releases her grip and leans back, studying my face. A nervous smile creeps on my lips. I haven't seen my cousin in years, and here I am, about to move in with her.
"Come on," she tells me, grabbing one of my suitcases from me.

The mist of the rain fogs my view of my new home as we exit the airport. I follow the sound of Shana's bangles to know where I'm going. Once we got to her car, I helped her throw my suitcases in her trunk and settle in the passenger seat.

"How was your flight?" Shana asks me as I buckle my seatbelt.

"Long," I sigh, relaxing in my seat. I glance outside the window, stalking a rain peddle sliding down the glass. "You don't think the rainy weather will-"

"No," she shakes her head, cutting me off.
"No, you're with me," her eyes tell me everything will be fine. I will be fine. I hope so.
"You hungry?" she asks me, her eyes on the road.

"Always," I said with a laugh.

"You wanna drop your stuff off first or-"

"I smell like airplane, so yes." Shana laughs at my honesty and picks up her speed.

Almost half an hour later, Shana pulls over to the curb. I stare at the brick apartment complex on the same side as me.

"Nice," I nod my head. Shana puts her car in park and laughs.

"Girl, you haven't even seen the inside yet." she swings open the driver's door and jumps out. Rolling my eyes at her comment, I follow her.

After collecting my suitcases, we head inside the building and towards the elevator. The elevator magically opens right when we step in front of it.

"Please tell me you're not on the 13th floor," I said, almost whiney, as we stepped inside.

"The 11th," she says matter of factly, pressing the 11th button. A concerned but sad look plays on her face.

"That's okay," I say, not understanding the look.

"I was trying to move lower before you got here, but management was up my ass."

I finally pick up on what she is getting at.

"What kind of cousin would I be if I committed suicide in your apartment?" I said with a laugh. Shana stared at me disappointedly; I guess she didn't like my joke. "Shana, It was a joke."

"Wasn't funny," she huffs. As the elevator quickly came to our stop, I tried to think of a way to lighten the mood. But Shana slides out of the elevator with both of my suitcases. I speed walk and follow behind her until she stops at the middle of the end of the hallway. We stand in front of door #15.
"Ready to see your fabulous new home?" she asks me.

"Hell yeah," I tell her, grateful that my dark sense of humor didn't ruin everything.

Smiling, Shana let's go of my suitcase to grab her set of keys in her purse. Excitement runs through me as she sticks the key in the keyhole and unlocks the door. I'm amazed as we both walk inside.

"Wow...this is all you, huh?" I say, surprised at how much space Shana has. Her apartment is way bigger than I expected...and beautiful. She definitely lets her personality shine through decorating as her walls are covered with beautiful artwork of black beauty. I walk around the apartment, still in awe. Plants filled her living room like she had made her own forest.

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