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Ouch...I rub the top of my head after it hits the curve of Layne's bedroom ceiling.

Gotta get used to this, I say to myself as I carefully ground myself onto the floor.

I stare at Layne and my still body before walking out of the room and strolling into the living room. The sound of a car screeching mixed with a scratched almost sounded too real until a haunting beat began to strum right after. I try to listen to it for a second before realizing the front door is wide open.

Something catches my attention as I approach the door. Someone. The person is tall and bright. Their aura glows a warm yellow as they stand with their back turned to me, leaning against the railing on the porch. A creak gives off my scent.

They turn, revealing themselves. Layne smiles, surprised to see me at first, but then his emotions mellow. I had to shake my head lightly to get out of the daze of his mouth-watering aroma.

"Thought you were sleeping," he says.

"I thought you were, too," I whisper, distracted by his curly dirty blonde hair.

"This song...," he begins to say.

"I never heard it before."

"I Feel You by Depeche Mode...It reminds me of you," he then tells me. I try to listen to the lyrics, trying to understand the words. Trying to feel it. "I feel you in it," Layne adds, moving closer. He glows as he steps toward me.


"I feel don't feel it?"

"I just got here," I laugh, not understanding the urgency coming from him.

"I felt it the moment it came on," he confesses, taking my hand. Lighting zaps across the sky as Layne massages my palm.

"Hmmm," I exhale, looking around. It looks like Layne's apartment, but then it doesn't, I think to myself as we begin to walk.

Electricity zaps in the sky as we walk down his street. "Beautiful Girl" by INXS begins to play, intersecting with the one playing already. Layne twists and turns his neck, trying to locate where the sound is coming from before we notice it playing on a car radio. He lets go of my hand, moving towards the car to turn it off.

"That was our song," I told him, a little sad that he switched it off.

"I changed my mind," he smiles. "This is our song now," referring to the Depeche Mode song.

"You can't do that," I laugh, shaking my head. "That's not how it works, sir."

"It's working."

"And I don't get a say in this?"

"I didn't know you were a big fan of INXS," he laughs as we begin walking again.

"I'm not, but-"

"But what, babe?" he asks, huffing a cheeky smile. I focus on his lips. They're set in a deep pink and fuller than I'd remembered. Mmmh. "Listen to the song. You'll agree with me." I nod slowly, listening. "This is our song," he goes on to say again.

A rush of emotions crashes upon me as we turn the corner and find ourselves in Kerry Park. Damn, that was fast.

"Something's different," I noticed immediately.

The electricity stops when Layne lets go of my hand and walk toward the city's edge. He winks at me before jumping over.

"Layne!" I cry out, running over, only to see Layne swimming in a sea of clear blue water.

"Jump!" he yells.

"I'm scared!" I admit, measuring the distance.

"I got you!" Layne shoots his arms up, believing they'll catch me from the fall. I laugh; how can you get me if you're down there?

Inhaling a deep breath, I back up. The things you'll do for love. I run to the edge, screaming as my feet leaves the ground. Surprisingly, I gently splash in the water, Layne already holding my arms.

"See? Nothing to be afraid of," Layne smiles before pulling me under with him. "Nothing to be afraid of," he says through water bubbles.

I smile, water filling in my lungs as my lips trace the structure of his nose before kissing it. And there it is. That song again. I arch my body like a cat on a stretch. Ooooh. There it is. Is that how in love I am with him? Can I cum without him touching me? I see Layne nodding his head, proud. So damn proud.

Soaked in water, Layne and I make it back to his apartment. I stare at my silent body; it looks like I'm gone. I don't even have to go back. I could stay this world of whatever my energy wants. I halt at the end of the body, looking down at myself before lifting my eyes to his.

"You okay?" Layne asks me, noticing my hesitation.

"We should stay here."

"What?" A giggle springs from his mouth once my comment digests in his ears.

"It could just be you and me...and our song," I tell him, trying to make our world sound better than the one we're used to. "I don't want to go back...." I said lowly but loud enough for him to hear.

Layne laughs again, shaking his head at the idea. Then he goes silent, realizing something. I see it. The look he's giving me. He wants to talk about it. He wants me to open up. No. Shit. Fuck. I can't. I won't.

"I'm just kidding," I try to laugh off as I quickly position myself.

"Wait," Layne begins to say, reaching for my hand.

I ignore him as I climb into myself. He watches as my body meets its soul.

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