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Holding a sleepy Terri in my arms, I answer the front door.

A beautiful older Black woman stands before me. "You must be Tanya's mother," I say, giving her a small smile.

The woman nods, "Andrea, right?" I nod, swallowing a large lump I hope she doesn't see. "Trinity," she says, introducing herself.

Awkwardness wraps around me as I step aside and let her in. Clearing my throat, I close the front door and lead her into the living room.

"Uh, I'd packed all of Terri's stuff. Oooh, and here's Tanya's house key," I say, digging into my pocket and giving it to her.

"Thank you," she nods. "And thank you for watching Terri for us." With Tanya still in the hospital, Terri has stayed with us for a few days.

"Of course, of course," I nod, strapping Terri into her stroller. Thank God she's asleep right now. I don't want her to see me about to break.

Trinity is quiet for a moment, watching me before speaking up again. "I'm sorry for asking.." she begins, her voice suddenly thick with emotion. "but...I'm still confused." Still squatted down in front of Terri's stroller, I look up at her, trying to control the hot tightness in my throat. "I don't understand," she sighs, her eyes glassy. "Tanya has everything; why would she–why would my baby try to kill herself?"

"I-I don't know," I say honestly, standing up."But how is she?" I ask, wanting to break the pain she is expressing to me. And I also felt a pang of guilt because I haven't visited her yet.

"Good..awake finally," she sighs with relief, wiping away her tears. "You haven't seen her?" I shake my head no, looking away from her in shame. I can't. "You can call her, you know," she says, giving me an understanding look as if she spots my nervousness.

"I know..." I don't want to talk anymore, but I don't want to be rude.

"....If you didn't find her-"

"I know...I know," I whisper, looking at Terri, who is still peacefully sleeping.

Trinity and I talked for a little bit more before she had to leave, sadly taking Terri with her. Before leaving, she told me that once being discharged from the hospital, Tanya and Terri would be moving to Chicago with her. Damn, it's going to be weird not having them around me anymore.

I should really talk to her...I should really talk to Tanya before she leaves. 

Sighing, I slouch on the living room couch, contemplating as I stare at the house phone. Right now. Right now. I should do it right now.

"Fuck," I groan, massaging my temple, that's about to ache. Ughhhhh.

Jumping up from the couch, I glance at the phone for a second before skipping out of the living room.

I'ma go see my man.

~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Wait, wait," I cry out softly, whimpering as Layne draws back and begins planting kisses on my jawline and then my lips.

"You okay?" Layne asks me before he lays a kiss on my forehead.

"Mmmhmm," I nod, releasing a shaky breath.

I grasp the rim of Layne's wooden dresser before reaching a hand down and starting to caress him. I stroke him gently as I wait for her to calm down. Layne lets out a throaty hiss, arching his neck back as he sends sweet groans at his ceiling. Licking my lips, my gaze fixies on his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as I lean back. I bring him to my lips and begin rubbing myself with him, gasping at the sensation.

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