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I have been in Seattle for an entire week now. And though it has been great, I still feel bad about living with Shana rent-free. Even though she said she doesn't mind at all and the only thing I should be worried about is my health and mentality, this is still driving me crazy. Maybe it's the independence in me.

I spent the rest of last week searching for a job but returned home with no luck. And today was no different.

"I told you not to worry about it," Shana warns after listening to me complain. She sits across from me between the island in the kitchen.

I suck my teeth, "I can't be living here for free, Shana."

"I just don't want any more stress on your shoulders." I watch her choose her words carefully.

"Well, freeloading is making me stressed. I also need money for myself. I can't have you pay for everything."

"Alright, fine" She sighs, thinking for a minute. "Okay, I know someone who's looking for a nanny," She says, finally giving in. Shana gets up and walks toward the living room. I follow her.

"You know, I have no experience working with kids," I remind her.

"Well, don't tell her that," she says after picking up the house phone and dialing a number. "Hey girl, it's Shana... I'm good but listen, are you still looking for a nanny?.... Yeah, my cousin.. she's incredible, sweet, and great with kids." I fold my arms, listening to the one-sided conversation. Shana glances up at me with her thumbs up. " know CPR?" Shana then asks me. I nod. "She does..okay, great...Alright, I'll talk to you later, boo!" Shana hangs up the phone and looks at me. "You start tomorrow."

Damn, that was easy.

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