Chapter 16

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"Is she going to be okay?"

"Yes. The doctor said she's fine."

"Oh god, that bastard Carson--"

"I know, he's being a bitch."

I hear muffled voices in the background, some I could recognize, some I don't.

What happened? Where am I? I honestly don't have a clue.

I crinkled my nose and heard gasps on the background. I slowly opened my eyes and saw worried looks on Danny and Eve.

"Oh my god, thank goodness you're awake!!" Eve shrieked, pulling me into a hug.

I noticed white wallpapers, white desks, a tv screen, and currently, I'm on a white bed with white sheets and white everything!

This much white can only mean one thing-- I'm in the hospital.

"W-Where am I?" I asked, still baffled by the looks they're giving me.

Although I know the answer to my question, and that I'm in the hospital, I can't see why I still asked that question.

Eve and Danny exchanged glances and Eve frowned.

"You're in the hospital." Eve hesitantly answered.

"For how long..?" I queried.

"A week." Danny answered.

"I've been asleep for a week?" I asked, surprised.

Eve nodded her head and just looked at me with a caring expression on her face.

"That's pretty long..." I mumbled to myself, glancing at my surroundings.

"Yeah, you were relying on the vitamins this tube gives you! It's disgusting!" Eve sighed, pointing at the dextrose and tubes attached to me.

"It supplies me food, I should be thankful." I whispered softly.

Eve sighed and I asked her why the long face.

"Do you even remember what happened between you and Carson?" Eve suddenly asked softly, but her tone angry and threatening.

Yeah, Carson-- One time I was in the beach with him and--


Reality hit me and came crashing down like some waterfall or a train hitting me with realization.

As I picked up the pieces where we left off and gaining memories from it, hot tears were forming on my eyes.

"Aw, Alexis... Don't cry--" Eve said, stumbling with the words, giving me a hug.

I sobbed and sobbed, the memories of Carson's almost rape attack fresh in my mind.

"I can't believe it... He..." I stuttered as I remembered how he held me, how he ripped my clothes off, how he tried to take advantage of me.

"I couldn't believe that bastard." Danny sighed, scratching the back of his head, probably thinking of what to say.

"Danny, he's an ahole. That I assure you." Eve said, gritting her teeth in anger.

"Yeah, I couldn't believe he tried to rape you--"

When I heard the word "rape", I burst into tears. Eve gave Danny a "Shut-up-you're-making-things-worse" look and so he shut up.

"Break up with him, Alexis." Eve said, shaking me.

"W-What? I can't...."

"And why not? He tried to rape you!! Who knows what he'll do next time!" Eve snapped, throwing her arms in the air frantically.

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