Chapter 5

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Carson: Look, I really want to.. But I can't. My grandmother's condition is getting worse.. Why? Is there a problem? Darren's been taking good care of you, right? If he's not, tell me at once, okay?

Me: No, no. It's fine, I just.. miss you..

Carson: I miss you too, Alexis. Don't worry.. I'll come back soon. Okay? Love you.

Me: Love you too.


I sighed, plopping on my bed,

Alexis, what did you just do?



I woke up from my awfully long sleep as I checked the time.

Holy nuts! I'm going to be late for school!

I did my morning routine then sprinting downstairs.

I gave Darren a quizzical look as he is eventually.. well, waiting for me.

"Are you waiting? You're going to be late." I said, rolling my eyes.

"No, it's okay. I'll drive you to school."

"No thanks. I'll walk."

"Don't be such a stubborn girl, let's go!" He said, messing up my hair.

I hesitantly got in his car and he drove off.

"So how's your morning?" He suddenly said.

"Did you just ask something like how I feel this morning?" I sarcastically asked.

"You heard me."

"I see what you're trying to do there." I scoffed.


"The bet. You know, me falling for you. Nice try but it ain't gonna work on me."

"But I'm not trying anything. I'm just asking a question."

I silenced because now I just look as if I'm overrated and paranoid.

He flashed me a genuine smile and I rolled my eyes.

"What's with him smiling now?"

He really is bipolar.

I know nothing will be going on to school today, this day, thank God all my classes are Darren-free.

When I finally got off his car, I rushed to my best friend, Eve Cadillac.

Blonde hair, green eyes= Dream girl.

"Eeeeveee!!" I shouted,

"What's up?" She asked, still chewing on some gum.

"Ugh, you don't want to know!"

"Is it about that Darren guy?" She giggled.

"Yeah, and what's with the giggle?!"

"I think you're into him." She said, eyeing on me.

"What are you saying? I have a boyfriend."

"So do I. But they left us."

"But still."

"Hey, I banged Jason last night." She said nonchalantly.

"Jason?! No way!"

"Yes way. He's really good in bed."

"I guess you really moved on, didn't you?"

"Heck yeah. I don't care a single thing about him anymore!" Eve scowled.

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