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fluff, implications of sex,
and a bit different, heaven
or las vegas, annnd

There was a soft spot in Y/n's heart for her hometown. Getting on break from filming her show was the best thing to happen, because now that she was off - she was clear to go on the Malibu Trip.

Her and Braeden have been dating for a few months now, and on the way over to the beach house they'd be staying at - along with Lydia, Dylan, Cole and Nina, he was thinking about that. How this weekend would be their first time together like this.

Y/n was knocked out in the passenger seat, she came straight from the airport and Braeden held her hand until the arrived, at sunset.

He unloaded the car first, taking both his and her belongings to their room. A nice space upstairs with a small bathroom.

"Alright." He smiled, unbuckling her seatbelt and taking her into his arms, bridal style.

"Hey." He nodded to Cole and Nina, and they smiled back, watching him take her upstairs.

In their room, he set her down gently on the bed, he removed her shoes and shut the door before pulling out his change of clothes. He took a quick shower but by the time he was done, she was up.

"Hey." He smiled, drying his hair with a towel he brought along. "You're not tired anymore?"

"I was supposed to help you unload.."

"It's cool." He took a seat on the bed, using his free hand to fix her crazy bed hair.

"I'm sorry, B." She spoke, yawning a bit as she got out of bed, shaking her head and removing her glasses to splash her face.

She grabbed a change of clothes and quickly changed in the restroom. She wore a small white floral bathing suit, wearing Braeden's dinosaur button up to cover herself. Walking out, Braeden smile at her, his eyes widening a bit. "Oh you wanna go?"

"Yeah, is that okay?"

"Yeah, I just didn't expect that. I'll change and catch up okay?" He spoke, kissing her forehead before going back into the restroom.

Y/n made her way out to the back, meeting Dylan, Lydia, Cole and Nina as they all played volleyball in the pool.

"Heyyyy!" They all spoke in unison, except for Lydia, who said. "You're up!"

Y/n waved with a smile, removing Braeden's shirt and then placing it on a sun chair, looking back to meet him as he came out, with 2 towels in hand, he set them down on the same chair, his hand grabbing Y/n as he pulled her along, and into the pull, startling her.

She rose up from the water, giggling and splashing him in response and he pulled her by her waist to the rest, urging her to go to the girls side.

She did so, and the six of them played a game of volleyball for a good half hour. It was messy, and ended with Nina accidentally hitting Cole in the face but nonetheless the girls won.

First Dylan got out, helping Lydia and minutes later so did Nina and Cole, leaving Braeden and Y/n there.

"Hey!" Lydia called from the balcony. "Are you guys coming to dinner?"

Braeden played with Y/n's hair and she glanced up, shaking her head. "I'm gonna go to sleep right after this, Lyd. Thank you guys though!"

𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now