Chapter twenty-five

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Disclaimer: all characters are from the Harry Potter Universe and belong to JK Rowling.

Hermione's view 

I wake when I feel someone's cold hands shaking me slightly and saying, "Hermione, wake up we need to start getting you ready." "I'm up," I say back to the voice. I open my eyes and find Ginny and Luna standing over my bed. They have move things within my room so that there is a makeup table, with a mirror on it and bench space for makeup, jewellery, and hair products. I get out of bed and put my dressing gown and slippers on. I move over to the makeup table and take a seat at the chair sitting in front of it. Luna then takes my head moving it, so it is straight ahead facing the mirror. She then begins taking out her wand to put some smoothing charms on my hair, helping the curls to tame themselves so that my hair is not a birds nest. She leaves the curls so that my hair is not straight as my hair is not straight and it should look like me today. She pulls a few pieces from either side of my hair creating small plaits, connecting them at the back of my head. She then takes her wand again and begins making small white flowers curve in and out of my plaits in my hair. 

"Wow, Luna, where did you learn to do that, it looks amazing," I say shocked, looking at myself in the mirror. Ginny then moves me so that I am now facing her, and she begins attacking my face. She uses a small amount of foundation so I still look like me, and you can see the freckles that are over my nose. She puts some eyeliner on my eyes making a small wing at the ends, before putting some mascara on. To finish she pulls out a red lipstick, it is bright red. Once she is finished, she moves me so that I am facing the mirror again. My jaw drops and I look so beautiful. I stand up and hug them both but try not to mess my makeup and hair up. 

All of a sudden, the door opens and Narcissa walks in. "Girls are you almost ready?" she says before she looks up at me and her jaw drops. "Wow, Hermione you look amazing. Well done girls. Now girls you go get ready in your room, I am going to help Hermione get into her dress," she shoos the girls out of my room, before shutting the door behind me. She moves over to my dress taking it out of the bag. I move to put my shoes on and take my clothing off before she brings the dress closer so I can step into it. Once I have stepped into it, I pull it up over my bum. Narcissa moves behind me and slips the dress up, and the dress changes to make room for the bum. I grab my engagement ring placing it on my finger and I move over to the mirror. I look amazing, my hair and make go with my dress perfectly. 

I turn back around to see Narcissa in tears already. I walk over to her and hug her. She hugs me back before letting go, "Hermione, I would like you to have these," she says handing me a box that I assume has jewellery in it. I take the box out of her hands and open it to find a necklace and matching earrings. They are silver with a single drop shaped emerald on each earring and one larger one on the necklace. I turn back to her and bring her back into another hug. "Thank you, Narcissa, they are beautiful," I say hugging her whilst still holding the box. I then move away from her, and she takes the necklace out of the box, turning me around to put it on me. "This was mine when I got married, my mother-in law gave it to me on my wedding day. Since I didn't have a daughter, I would like you to have it for you to then pass down to your children," she says trying not to cry more. I take the earrings out and put them in, before moving back to the mirror. 

The door opens again, and I find Ginny and Luna looking at me already to go. Their mouths drop open when they see me standing in front of them. "Wow, Hermione, you look so beautiful, I can't wait to see Draco's reaction when he sees you," Ginny says. "The boys just let us know they are ready and about to head to the Gazebo, so Ginny and I are going to go catch up with them since we have to walk down the aisle with them. Narcissa you are also needed to walk Draco down the Aisle," Luna chimes in. Luna and Ginny, both give me a hug before Ginny says, "my parents just got here, would you like me to send them down, since they are walking you down the aisle? Also, this is your bouquet." Ginny hands me a fully white rose bouquet that has a silk emerald ribbon on the bottom to hold the flowers together. I nod, and wait for them to arrive, leaving the door open. 

I hear footsteps coming closer and then see Mr and Mrs Weasley's heads pop around the corner. "Hermione, oh merlin, you look so beautiful," Mrs Weasley says bringing me into a hug. Mr Weasley then hugs me after Mrs Weasley lets go of me. "Thank you," I say. "You ready?" Mr Weasley asks me with a big smile on his face. I nod, ready to go find my fiancé and become his wife. 

Draco's view 

I wake up before Theo and Blaise since they had drunk more than me last night. I go into their room and nudge them awake, telling them to get up and get dressed. I walk into my room getting dressed into my suit, making sure it looks okay, before putting my shoes on. The door then opens where I find Theo and Blaise standing there ready to go. "I'm ready, can you let Luna and Ginny know, also grab my mother as I need her, since she is walking me down the aisle," I say, and they both rush off down the hall the find Ginny and Luna. A few moments later I find my mother standing in front of me in the doorway with the biggest smile on her face that I have ever seen. "You look so handsome, " she says bringing me into a hug, tearing up. She grabs the flowers that are going on my suit and pins them on. "You ready?" she asks. I nod ready to see my fiancé and make her my wife today. 

We head down the hallway to the back of the house. As we start walking through the garden behind the house, I can see in the distance that all our guests are here sitting in front of the Gazebo. I see there is also some photographers, and Rita Skeeter. I ignore them and continue walking up to the Gazebo now walking through the people that are sitting either side in the flower garden. Once I make it to the Gazebo, I turn to kiss my mother on her cheek, and she lets go of me and I move in front of the officiant. He smiles at me. There is an orchestra to side of the Gazebo that begin to play Hermione's favourite song, Dancing in the Moonlight. Everyone stands up as the maid of honour, Ginny, and best man, Theo, walk down. Next walks Blaise my groomsman and Luna the bridesmaid. 

I am then instructed to face the officiant for a moment whilst Hermione moves into place. Then he gives me the nod and I turn around, my mouth dropping to the floor. She looks so amazing there are no words for it. Tears start to come to my eyes as she walks closer, she is all mine, and our babies in her belly are ours. Once she gets to the front of the Gazebo, I walk over to take her hand as she kisses Mr and Mrs Weasley on their cheeks. "Hello," I whisper. "Hi," she says back softly. I take her hands moving her over to where we are supposed to stand in front of the officiant. 

He then begins the ceremony and I say everything I am supposed to never taking my eyes off Hermione. We say our vows and exchange rings before the officiant says, "I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Malfoy. You may now kiss your bride". I grab her face with both hands and bring her lips to mine and kiss her with passion, melting into her. As we pull apart, I feel flower petals falling from the roof of the Gazebo. We then take each other's hands and walk past everyone down the aisle as they all cheer and throw up more flower petals. Once at the end of the aisle we kiss again, everyone cheering loudly again. All the guests then move into the Ballroom, whilst we take some photos as husband and wife. 

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