seven. monster hunting with steve harrington

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monster hunting with steve harrington

stranger things;
season 2 ep 6

ADRIAN HAD SPENT THE next day or two sneaking in and out of Mike's house and his own house — only for getting clothes and other things he might need at that moment. Mike had told him that he should tell the police, but Adrian knew that he would somehow convince them that Adrian was just losing his mind. He had done it multiple times before.

He was sitting alone in Mike's bedroom — Mike had left before he had even woken up so he has no clue where he was — and was looking through all the comic books that the boy had. He never really read comic books because he didn't have any, but he loved them. His face almost lit up when he saw an X-Men comic, and his hands moved to grab it before his brain could even comprehend it.

He looked over at the locked door and let himself fall onto Mike's bed, opening the comic book with a rustle. His eyes scanned the colorful drawings as well as the stories left within the bubbles. It was fascinating. He was so focused on the comic book that he almost missed the static that echoed through the room, followed by the panicked voice of Dustin Henderson. "Guys, this is Dustin again. Does anyone copy? This is a code red. I repeat, a code red!" His voice was muffled by the static but Adrian was able to make out the words.

He decided to leave it alone, considering how he had no idea what a 'code red' was. He furrowed his eyebrows and slowly turned back to the comic book that he held above him. Not a minute later, the static crackled again. "I really need someone to pick up here. Hopper's MIA, and I've got a code red. Code red." Sighing, he closed the comic book and set it on the bed beside him, hoisting himself up before beginning to make his way over to the desk that the super com was on top of.

"All right, it's Dustin again. Seriously, I have a code red." Adrian shook his head, reaching forward and getting ready to push down on the button that allowed him to communicate with Dustin, but before he could he was interrupted. "Could you please shut up?" A young girl spoke, her voice sounding almost crystal clear, that must've meant she was closer to him than Dustin was. "Erica? Erica, is Lucas there?" Dustin asked frantically.

"Don't know. Don't care." If Adrian was being completely honest, he absolutely loved whoever this girl was. From the context, he assumed that she was Lucas' younger sister whom he had mentioned a couple of times. "Is he with Mike?" Dustin pressed, obviously growing annoyed with her bratty attitude. "As I said, I don't know and I don't care."

Stifling a laugh, he sat on the ground and listen in to the conversation. "Please tell him it's super important. Please tell him that I have a code-." Before Dustin could finish his sentence, he was cut off by the girl. "Code red?" She asked, having heard him say the same thing over and over.

"Yep, code red. Exactly." Dustin told her, hoping that she would relay the message to her older brother. Adrian almost brought the com to his mouth but was once again cut off by Erica. "Mmm-hmm. I got a code for you instead. It's called code shut-your-mouth."

Snickering, Adrian pressed down on a button and brought the super com up to his mouth. "I like her. She's feisty." The other side of the line when silent for a moment or two before the com crackled to life once more. "Adrian? Is that you?" Dustin spoke through static. "Yup. The one and only." Adrian answered, walking back over to the bed before sitting down. "What's up with this 'code red?'"

"You have a super com?" Dustin questioned him. Adrian sighed and let his head hang, pinching his nose. Did he seem like the kind of person to have a super com? "I'm using Mike's," Adrian replied. "Is Mike with you?" Dustin asked almost immediately. "No. I think he's with the Byers. But I can help, you know."

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